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View Full Version : Want to be a Team Leader?

20th April 2008, 10:33 PM
Do you want to be leader of one of our gaming teams? If the answer is yes, please post below with a few sentences on why you should be chosen including the benefits you would bring to the team.

Please make sure that you tell us which team you want to be the leader of. The options are:

CSS Team A
CSS Team B
COD4 Team A
TF2 Team A

I don't feel that we currently have enough players of COD4 or TF2 to warrant having a B team for either of them. If you feel differently please post below and I will reconsider. This is the only other reason you are allowed to post below.

Please DO NOT post below if you don't want to be the leader of a team, discussion for who should be chosen will be in the poll thread when there are sufficient entries.

20th April 2008, 10:35 PM
I want to be leader of Badger squad (B TEAMS TRUE NAME), not the A team. I would say that Oric shouldnt apply for being leader of the A team as he can't play CS lol (but he probably will try). We will drive the enemy from their doorsteps, and onto our front lawns... that doesn't quite work.

20th April 2008, 10:38 PM
Gimme Team A CSS cos im crap at CSS but i can be persuasive... :D:D, but really, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee * 10000000 :D

20th April 2008, 10:43 PM
I'd like to be in the CoD4 team, wouldn't want to lead it though.

20th April 2008, 10:44 PM
I'm the second most important wanker in this community and I'm the dog's bollocks at CSS, give it to me ffs.

20th April 2008, 10:44 PM
give it to me ffs.

Which team?

20th April 2008, 10:46 PM
I'm the second most important wanker in this community and I'm the dog's bollocks at CSS, give it to me ffs.

Has Oricalcos stolen Chazlene's password or is Chazlene arrogant again?, I would say Bloo is 2nd most important... as everything revolves around him... if he asks Chalex for something, it is done faster than for anyone else.

20th April 2008, 10:47 PM
I'm not important, i'm special! OOOH! SHINY!

Paper Tiger
20th April 2008, 10:59 PM
I'd like the CSS one, A or B, but I highly doubt I'll get it, specially A, lol.

Pretty decent at CSS though =]

20th April 2008, 11:00 PM
Oh yeah, ill go for TF2 Cpt as well.

20th April 2008, 11:17 PM
Ok, just to stop Hutch from breaking our agreement (even though I may have done so earlier - be nice now!!!), I have no desire to either lead any of these teams. I will also withhold my membership from a team until leadership is chosen, in order to ensure that my experience in a team is as fun and rewarding as possible.

And just to clear it up, Hutch, I can play CS, I can play it well, I won't apply, and I would never steal a members password. And Daemon, that is exceptionally funny. If you couldn't tell, I don't think Hutch should be a team leader either.

21st April 2008, 09:01 AM
Id like to lead in TF2 team but i mainly play as sniper, so what are my duties as leader i ask first :P ?

21st April 2008, 03:34 PM
Has Oricalcos stolen Chazlene's password or is Chazlene arrogant again?, I would say Bloo is 2nd most important... as everything revolves around him... if he asks Chalex for something, it is done faster than for anyone else.

Get your tongue out of Bloo's butt Hutch... ffs

Paper Tiger
21st April 2008, 05:23 PM
Bitchy? Yes
Necessary? No

21st April 2008, 05:32 PM
I would like to but i know im not good enough for team leader a for css, and I want to be in team A so that rules out team leader B, so i will just wait intill trials for members of team A

21st April 2008, 06:03 PM
Get your tongue out of Bloo's butt Hutch... ffs

Isn't yours rammed too far up Oric and Marc's to say that?

21st April 2008, 06:30 PM
Bitchy? Yes
Necessary? No

Just about covers it.

21st April 2008, 06:38 PM
i would like to be in ANY of the teams as a player ;)
But if needs be i dont mind being captain for any of the teams.
Cod4 would be my first choice for captain as i ran my own clan for cod2 and been captains of many other clans in it. Plus i know the cod4 maps pretty well and im not to shabby at it if you dont mind me saying so :p

21st April 2008, 06:42 PM
I don't want to be a team leader, but can I be a team mascot :P

21st April 2008, 06:54 PM
lol if u got a couple of pom poms u can have the job:p
i just seen new flashing up on the forums gonna go check it out...:D

21st April 2008, 07:07 PM
Hey, I am the resident wannabe-American, I am the one with the female WoW characters, I am the one with the largest breasts. I, therefore, will be the ATK Head Cheerleader.

21st April 2008, 07:10 PM
Isn't yours rammed too far up Oric and Marc's to say that?

Not really Hutch, and thats all im saying

21st April 2008, 07:15 PM
Hey, I am the resident wannabe-American, I am the one with the female WoW characters, I am the one with the largest breasts. I, therefore, will be the ATK Head Cheerleader.

Please, stop. Now. This statement can only bring disturbing and horrifying thoughts. *shudders* Oric is a cheerleader outfit, the horror.


21st April 2008, 07:43 PM
Do not tempt me to post pictures :)

21st April 2008, 08:49 PM
Getting major off topic now.

I'll go for CSS Team A leader, I play CS alot and I'm pretty good, not the best, not the worst. But I am organized.

Paper Tiger
21st April 2008, 08:52 PM
I'm just pissed off with everyone ripping the shit out of eachother. It's meant to be a community, where people get on. Not gang up on one person (normally Hutch...).

Admitidly, sometimes, we all deserve to be told to STFU at some point, but he seems to get it all the time!

Now, I'm not gonna say anything else on this topic before it gets out of hand.

(and now VoX wants to be leader. I got no chance... lol)

21st April 2008, 08:55 PM
(and now VoX wants to be leader. I got no chance... lol)

Oh come on I'm not that good!

21st April 2008, 09:10 PM
its tempting now that vox has applied... having been a leader of a few css clans before, but i might just prefer to be a team member :D who helps out along the way haha

Paper Tiger
21st April 2008, 09:13 PM
Oh come on I'm not that good!

Prob got more chance than I do. I'm relativly unknown in here.

And you're prob better than me

21st April 2008, 09:17 PM
its tempting now that vox has applied... having been a leader of a few css clans before, but i might just prefer to be a team member :D who helps out along the way haha

Remember TP-Twist? We were awesome, just no servers...

21st April 2008, 09:18 PM
I suggest we only have teams for now, and no leaders, and those who prove themselves sensible and good in such roles (perhaps rotating people who want to be leader as the leader during a match, so one person for one match, another the next etc).

Nice and wishy-washy, a good idea you've got there Bloo, I agree fully.

So do I, amazing idea Bloo you handsome devil.

21st April 2008, 09:20 PM
Remember TP-Twist? We were awesome, just no servers...

pahahaha what a clan, who was the leader of that? sum squeeky twat i swear...
o wait it was u! lol jokez, who was the leader??

21st April 2008, 09:27 PM
I'm just pissed off with everyone ripping the shit out of eachother. It's meant to be a community, where people get on. Not gang up on one person (normally Hutch...).

Admitidly, sometimes, we all deserve to be told to STFU at some point, but he seems to get it all the time!

Now, I'm not gonna say anything else on this topic before it gets out of hand.

Ok, let me clear this up. Hutch does not always get the stick from people. He gets it from people whom he gives the stick to, sometimes with provocation, sometimes he is the one provocating. He is not the most favored pinata in this community, I am. Judging by attitudes and actions over the last 6 months, this trend of pinatas has continued, with my candy being the one most commonly spread on the floor.

This community seems to have three factions. One is the 'WoW Crew' and friends (i.e Me, Daemon, VoX (non-WoW), Marc etc). Another is Hutch (normally alone, with some random support.). And the third is everyone else, including admins, who are on whichever side seems to be the most popular at the time (See Removal of WoW Admin and Moderator Update threads for proof - Side switch in 3 weeks.)

Most of the time, Hutch has some support, because he bashes WoW, and that seems to be a 'cool' thing to do. But I have some support because Hutch can be an absolute whining bitch. This is the stem of the arguments.

Recently, Hutch and I agreed (or I should say I agreed, Hutch d/c'ed ot long after proposing, then grunted upon return) at the ATK meeting that we get along and stop arguing. Obviously, this hasn't stopped him from continuing to provoke other members and attempt to anger myself by using me as an icon of demigodship for others (see above post accusing Daemon of rimming my sphincter).

OK, to prevent another 1000 word essay (what would be my fourth), I am going to say this. Paper Tiger, never, ever say that Hutch gets the most stick. Because he is not, and what he gets is normally deservered. Some members in this community get slightly less stick, and in some cases more, but it is very rarely deserved, (such as Daemon above).

I know this is off-topic, so if you have a dispute or discussion on this post, create a new thread. This is my opinion, and does not represent what anyone else in the community believes (Unless the agree with me...)

EDIT: Prime Example, the PTT thread

And Bloo, to begin with, leaders will be required, in order to sort out rosters, skill levels etc. But if they seem inept at doing their job, then sack them, and bring in a new guy.

21st April 2008, 09:36 PM

wtf is one of them? xD

21st April 2008, 09:45 PM

21st April 2008, 10:41 PM
Oric people Who fit into your others dont take sides becuase of the person they take sides on the POINT that they think is right

21st April 2008, 11:19 PM
As I said, that's my opinion on it. I don't say it's perfect, but that's what I feel.

21st April 2008, 11:36 PM
right now back to topic, if the servers get updated so i don't lagg on them i will be a leader but i want only CS_OFFICE maps cause i own on them.

22nd April 2008, 07:44 AM
If you going to play in the team, you will play and learn maps other than office, because it will be boring if you don't, and other teams will want to play other maps.

22nd April 2008, 12:53 PM
lol ok, but i do want the servers to be updated cause i know other people don't lagg but i am the main person that lags, and it is anpying when i surf and i get lagg.

if i am teamleader i want my first match to be on office then De_Dust2, the only map i am not playing on is De_Dust

Cheers for reading and chalex please update the servers

22nd April 2008, 04:38 PM
pahahaha what a clan, who was the leader of that? sum squeeky twat i swear...
o wait it was u! lol jokez, who was the leader??

The leaders were Me, you and Zodiac (now Darkeagle.)

22nd April 2008, 05:40 PM
The leaders were Me, you and Zodiac (now Darkeagle.)

darkeagle was zodiac?! pahaha didnt realise that 1! but yea, R.O.E was one of my clans that went really well, me thoughts

22nd April 2008, 06:26 PM
ROE was the one before IGMo wasn't it?

By the way this is going severely off topic, you might need to pick a leader soon lol.

22nd April 2008, 06:34 PM
I will be sorting out the leaders soon, I just want to make sure the everyone has seen this thread before a decision is made.

I am not sure whether Target / Cillit have seen this thread already, but it would be good if someone could point them towards it.

25th April 2008, 07:21 PM
If you going to play in the team, you will play and learn maps other than office, because it will be boring if you don't, and other teams will want to play other maps.

In most clan wars, you do not play office, there isn't even an option in the CS IRC chat thing. It's mainly just de maps like dust2 etc. So yeeehhh.... <3

Also, everyone in Bears In Teh Wood has more than moderate skill in playing both Ct and T on office :DD