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2nd May 2008, 09:35 PM
Valve's acclaimed puzzle-action hybrid Portal will be given a sequel, according to the game's lead designer Kimberly Swift.

"Well, I believe Doug Lombardi who is our lead marketing director at Valve, has announced Portal 2," said Swift in an interview with G4TV.

Lombardi had previously stated that more Portal was on the way, but Swift's comment is the first mention of a true sequel to be made thus far.

No further details on the project were provided.

So at long last, the game me and Darkeagle have been waiting for has been anounced.

The massive giveaway is quite hard to spot, as it only works if you go through the game with Dev Commentary on, but here's that Dev Bubble that gives it all away.


It is due to be released Jan 2009.

2nd May 2008, 09:43 PM
Awesome, It seems a bit odd that they're releasing Portal 2 when Episode 3 is meant to have the portal gun as well, but I'm not complaining. :p

2nd May 2008, 09:48 PM
dual portal guns ? :)

2nd May 2008, 09:55 PM
Even better - dual-wielding the portal and gravity gun. You cannot beat that. :P

2nd May 2008, 10:18 PM
Even better - dual-wielding the portal and gravity gun. You cannot beat that. :P

create a black hole? :D

I'd love to see that in the HL2 engine.

but to be honest this more of a large assumption than a fact.

2nd May 2008, 11:03 PM
I don't think the Portal Gun would fit into Half Life, I don't really want to see it in Half Life either.

3rd May 2008, 09:59 AM
If you have Half-Life 2 and Portal for PC then you can copy the Portal files to give you the Portal gun in HL2. Look here (http://www.primotechnology.com/2007/10/17/half-life-2-portal/) to find out how.

7th May 2008, 09:37 PM
I think instead of HL2E3 having the portal gun, Portal 2 will tie in with the story of Episode 3, no doubt with some jokes that you can only get if you play both games. (Wonderful in-jokes, gotta love 'em etc).

7th May 2008, 09:38 PM
BLOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've missed you.

I reckon you could be right there, considering Portal tied in with HL2 etc.