View Full Version : Old School games (thats right school not skool)

Colonel Mitch
2nd October 2008, 10:08 AM
Okay so your probably wondering whats the difference between old school and old skool, and wondering what games im talking about. I jsut heard chris moyles talk about playing "tig" on radio1, when i used to live in luton it was called tag (its original name). I was wondering how many of you call it tag, or tig, or something completely different. also, have any of you ever played "join the crew", becasue ive been able to find no reference to it online whatsoever and it was the only mass playground game to be banned at my primary school xD

2nd October 2008, 03:44 PM
*Wades through all the porn spam*

I remember the main game we played at Primary was four-square (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_square). It was so fun because you always made up loads of moves and different rules, ah the memories.

Colonel Mitch
2nd October 2008, 04:07 PM
I remember the main game we played at Primary was four-square (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_square). QUOTE]

Lol ive always heard of four-square from Disneys Recess (awsome tv show :P) but never known a single peron who'd played it. I assumed it was a wholy american game.

There was a game which was a variation of tag we played at school that was cool, we had these big boexes painted on the floor, about 2x3 metres in size and about 10 metres apart and we had to run from one to the other all together and 1 person was it and slowly tagged everyone (at one time we had most of the year playing whihc is about 60 people xD). that was cool coz it was a lot more chalanging and alot quicker than playin normal tag across the whole playground.

Ahh, good times :)

Vicious Horizon
2nd October 2008, 06:15 PM
We used to play wrestling tag... x3

I broke my mate's leg playing that. It got banned. Oh, and because it was a Jesus school which was worried about getting sued, so Football got banned >.<'

Oh, and do any of you remember those rubbery bouncy things on the end of an elastic rubbery string? Those were cool..

2nd October 2008, 06:50 PM
Oh, and do any of you remember those rubbery bouncy things on the end of an elastic rubbery string? Those were cool..

Are now banned in our secondary school cause a kid got hit in the eye...

2nd October 2008, 09:32 PM
Oh, and do any of you remember those rubbery bouncy things on the end of an elastic rubbery string? Those were cool..

sum kid bout 3 years younger than me came up to me in the street and hit me with one on the way back from school (he went to the rival school) so i punched him in the face... felt bad after it tho... lmao

2nd October 2008, 10:01 PM
*Wades through all the porn spam*

Im siggin that when i saw it i lold

Colonel Mitch
2nd October 2008, 10:11 PM
Join the crewe was like british bulldog but kinda not. once somebody grabbed you they would usually pin you to the floor as you would struggle to get away. theres no time limit to being held and nothing teh tagger has to say, all they have to do is make you desperate enough (usually through pain) to join their crewe, at which point you become it. This is great for harder kids because you still have home(aka base), and if you can drag yourself to be touching home even if 3 people have been holding you down for the last 5 minutes, your still safe, so long as you havent declared yourself part of the crew¬

3rd October 2008, 12:04 AM
wow, that sounds pretty darn kool, never used to do that, jst stuck to good ol' bulldog. and in primary school it was always 40-40 it, that game ruled!!

Vicious Horizon
3rd October 2008, 12:34 PM
Are now banned in our secondary school cause a kid got hit in the eye...
Got banned at my school 'cos a kid killed himself with it (It wound round his neck and he was too stupid to untangle it I guess)

3rd October 2008, 04:25 PM
Would saying owned be too harsh?

3rd October 2008, 05:30 PM
What the hell was he doing lmao, just decided what would happen if he swung it round his neck?

Vicious Horizon
3rd October 2008, 06:25 PM
He didn't go to my school, and no, saying owned is not too harsh, it happened over 7 years ago xD

4th October 2008, 09:30 AM
We actually played 40-40 in our Sixth Form common room last week, it was funny. And I actually got in.

4th October 2008, 11:55 AM
When me and Darkeagle were in Year 8, our German teacher, who was the head of sixth form, had to go down and stop them playing cricket with an umbrella. He was gone a while, I bet he had a bat...

4th October 2008, 01:00 PM
It was either Apple fights involving 300 odd people one side of the courts and 150 on the other and just pelting, or a massive rampage breaking every glass door in the school that involved around 800 people or just the usual massive fight on the feild :D