View Full Version : Roite r3tardz

Vicious Horizon
6th October 2008, 06:59 PM
We've all got twits at our school, so here's a topic to rile them. I'll add mine in a mo.

6th October 2008, 07:06 PM
Do teachers count too? If they do I'm sure DE has allot to say...

Anyway, a retarded (probably ADD or CWS (Complete Wanker Syndrome)) squeaky prick always feels the urge to call everyone with long hair and grunger and move anywhere near him he goes crying to this bitch who follows him round everywhere.

Vicious Horizon
6th October 2008, 07:09 PM
haha, and teachers do count. Now, not for the minors:

A kid in Y7 grabbed a girl, threw her into a cubicle, locked it, then began to jack off (apparantly), in front of her, then made luurve to a hand puppet D:

Nasty, and apparantly he's getting charges pressed. (He's also a twat that noone likes, he is also an ugly disrespective piece of sh*t.

6th October 2008, 07:18 PM
LOL, we had a mini rapist at our juinor yr1/2/3 school, would tackle the girls to the floor.....

I think he is in physc ward these days but still theres some weird people around.

Vicious Horizon
6th October 2008, 07:30 PM
Mm, I guess we need to look out for the next Gary G/Clitter.

6th October 2008, 08:31 PM
Well, Teachers lets start.

Mr capauchi

His nick name is mr capichino, and well he is a bastard. Well i got a detention for no homework (fair enough). Turn up, and we do the detention, he makes me mark my own work. Takes 10 minutes so i think, meh fair enough, at the end he says pack up my books.

Next lesson he gives me a detention, for not giving my book. So then, i decide Na lets not go.

Hour detention i have to serve, so i offerd him a cookie for my release, so he then gives me a longer detention for being "cheeky"

Vicious Horizon
6th October 2008, 08:43 PM
Lol, worse than Mr. Martin, who, if detentions had a gun, he would be Rambo, honestly, it's like he has ADD in his finger, he just gives afterschools for looking the wrong way -.-

6th October 2008, 09:02 PM
he just gives afterschools for looking the wrong way -.-

"You boy! Are you turning around, This is the worst blow job I've ever had"

(Playing on the stereotype of all teachers being pedos...)

Actually speaking of pedo teachers, we have on called Mr. Snell. He used to teach PE but now only does one lesson a week or so, however he still wears the shortest shorts ever when walking around at lunch. And to add to the puke-factor, he has knobbly knees.

6th October 2008, 10:38 PM
After what happened today involving our school, I think the only 'Roite r3tard' was this bus driver:


This aint funny by the way.

6th October 2008, 11:13 PM
"McDonald’s was also closed while police investigated the accident. "

lol what does that have to do with it ^&^

had a girl in yr7 that sat next to me in science got killed when she was run over on her bike, I only remember her after you posted that :S

7th October 2008, 01:55 PM
This has to be ranking as one of the wierdest topics to bring up on a forum i've ever seen xD.

7th October 2008, 04:06 PM
This has to be ranking as one of the wierdest topics to bring up on a forum i've ever seen xD.

Then you obviously missed 100 Cheesy Chat Up Lines (http://www.atkcommunity.com/showthread.php?t=614&highlight=chat+lines)!

We've dropped to 6th on the Google list for that instead of 2nd!

7th October 2008, 04:08 PM
Well that was why I said 'one of' xD.

Vicious Horizon
7th October 2008, 05:33 PM
Lol at the Mock the Week Quote :P

A friend of mine died in a bus crash in Aynho when the bus drivers were racing :(

7th October 2008, 05:36 PM
We have a pedo at our school too....

7th October 2008, 06:42 PM
LOL, jacobs the pedo at our school.

But No joke at are school we used to have a teacher called mr royal, he was in prison for being a pedo......He is out now

7th October 2008, 07:44 PM
Was it me who said the Mock The Week quote? I vaguely remember him saying that...

7th October 2008, 08:10 PM
he was in prison for being a pedo......He is out now

He's out?

Oh crap, expect to see him hanging around outside school.

7th October 2008, 08:18 PM
Yeah he was out AGES ago.

7th October 2008, 08:21 PM

7th October 2008, 08:24 PM
LOL, jacobs the pedo at our school.

I am not a pedo :(
I may look like one but it doesn't mean I am one

or does it:eek:

Vicious Horizon
7th October 2008, 08:46 PM

Mr. Linfitt, the short dwarfish pervert pedophile of an ICT teacher, enduring 5 years of it is not nice. and this cannot be a coincidence

Mr. Linfitt (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=linfitt)

7th October 2008, 08:56 PM
Freaky much?