View Full Version : My car's new registration

Colonel Mitch
5th November 2008, 01:14 AM
Okay. For my birthday my nans getting me a new registration for my car, but not a really expensive 1 so its jsut stadard form. I've gone for (you wont believe it).....


Yep thats right... (and the rear ones that shape coz my cars imported if you were wondering)

I can customise the bottom line, chooses from a side picture and border, and choose from 3 kinds of text. - This is what I was mainly thinking of....


I was looking for your thoughts and suggestions.

This is the website www.demonplates.com/platebuilder.php

If you click plate builder you can enter the REG, the plate size is IMPORT with standard UK front (any of those choices is fine). You can go through the rest to see what you think looks best, or if you can think of a better slogan i'd like to hear it :).

Also i an going to enquire if its possible to get your own image on the side.

Colonel Mitch
5th November 2008, 01:28 AM
Good news everyone!

I can have a custom image on the plates :D

I was thinking Jeremy from pure pwnage in his famous STFU pose, but im by no means sure.....

I'll see if i can have p90's as the background though :D

5th November 2008, 02:32 AM
Umm thats just buying plates not the legal registration behind it which is the really expensive part and I highly doubt that "1337 Hax" will be avalible :S

or has this already been done?

5th November 2008, 05:15 AM
then L33t Haxx xD

5th November 2008, 10:16 AM
Awesome if you can get that plate, but like Ez said, I'm pretty sure that number would be already taken.

Colonel Mitch
5th November 2008, 12:04 PM
No im not jsut buying the plate ive won that registration from a DVLA auction

5th November 2008, 12:20 PM
Ooh that's awesome, I was wondering the same thing when I read your OP. The first thing I thought of would be Jeremy instead of the ninja on the left, that would be the definition of awesome.


What do you mean about p90s as the background? You mean the gun?

Colonel Mitch
5th November 2008, 01:05 PM
Yeah, i mean where it says celica on my preview switching it to shaddows of p90s in the background :)

Also thinking if i didnt do that we could go with companion cubes in the background, the apperture science logo at the side, and the slogan "The cake is a lie"

Colonel Mitch
5th November 2008, 01:40 PM
Itll look summit like that with the jeremy logo.

With that simply "- i pwn noobs -" would be a pretty good slogan xD

also this p90 would be the grayscale background image....


5th November 2008, 02:32 PM
No im not jsut buying the plate ive won that registration from a DVLA auction

Just checked the site and saw it was sold for £250, which is fantastic value. Way worse ones are going for £1000+ lol.

"i pwn noobs" instead of "OMFG STFU" would be good, not sure about having a P90 as the background though, personally I would prefer the companion cubes as you said, but each to their own I suppose.

5th November 2008, 03:02 PM
Or just the text 'the cake is a lie' on the background. I'm not sure about a picture on the background.

Colonel Mitch
5th November 2008, 03:24 PM
the OMFG STFU is the standard thing to go with that picture of jeremy, the i pwn noobs would be where the "teh pwnage - on the road" is.

the cake is a lie as background text would go well if we decided to go with a portal theme, companion cube logo, "This was a triumph..." slogan, or something like that.

Id rather keep it all to one theme, so not companion cubes with jeremy.

5th November 2008, 04:27 PM
How about a jeremy (pure pwnage) symbol and then under it a jeremy clarkson quote on truck drivers killing hookers ? :D you know it would be utter win.

5th November 2008, 05:42 PM
Wait Wait Wait!

Slogan should be "n00b school bus".

Maybe background could be:


5th November 2008, 07:34 PM
Dude, that is just pure awesome!

Would be hilarious to see that on the road!

5th November 2008, 08:13 PM
lol nice idea, a friend of mine got one recently and i couldnt understand what his meant until he explained it to me :p

Big thumbs up from me :D

5th November 2008, 08:35 PM
To be 100% honest i think backgrounds and pictures look really bad

With a plate as good as that just 1337 HAX on a yellow plate would look really good as the pictures make it look fake and just stuck on

Just what i think

Colonel Mitch
5th November 2008, 10:53 PM
lol if it was the mercedes (the people carries) i would have noob school bus fo-sho

6th November 2008, 12:00 AM
That number plate will be sick

6th November 2008, 01:21 AM
It will indeed.

7th November 2008, 09:19 PM