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View Full Version : Sorry i missed training(s)

Colonel Mitch
1st December 2008, 01:52 PM
Hey guys, I did a 20 hour shift on saturday (12-8 then all nighter through till 8am) and id only had 5 ours sleep before so i kinda crashed out till about 7pm. Ill ensure it wont happen again, tho i wont be availible next week as im going to see Pendulum with Paper Tiger and a couple of other friends.
(its my birthday on friday xD)

1st December 2008, 03:56 PM
Don't worry about it. No-one else turned up, other than me. But thats cool, I found a good porn site to keep me occupied for the hour.

1st December 2008, 08:27 PM
I was here but i culdnt see anyone else on steam but its pretty hard on this piece of crap anyway

Vicious Horizon
1st December 2008, 09:49 PM
I would have turned up, but my dad was in a bad mood etc. and when I asked him he was like "homework blah blah coursework blah" even though I'd already done 6 hours that day -.-

2nd December 2008, 06:26 PM
I forgot but i assume that was becuase I diddent really want to play at that time anyway - atleast im honest

2nd December 2008, 11:54 PM
er.. i showed up like 10 minutes after it was surposed to be happening. Blame Second Life