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View Full Version : Match - 28th December

20th December 2008, 10:30 PM
Ok, I thought the match on sunday was so fun, i thought we should have a try at another one :P

Ok, it is on the sunday after crimbo, So that only gives us one training session to prepare.

The maps will be:

turbine ( Our favourite )

It will be on our server, So Phantom can you make sure you have all the latest match plug ins on the server before then.

A little comfort note, the team we are playing are a notch down from those we played last sunday, so dont worry.

If you cant attend, please notify me as soon as possible.

See you For training ( We are going to need it )


20th December 2008, 11:50 PM
Thats some good news, make sure everyone makes it on this Sunday as were actually gonna be practising the map turbine and how to properly deal with Medics, so hopfully some important stuff will be learnt :D

21st December 2008, 12:23 AM
blind leading the blind, eh?

Don't think i'll be able to join in. Headed down to my nan's for xmas, and might not be back by then. We'll see.

21st December 2008, 12:39 AM
I will be able to play!

21st December 2008, 12:47 PM
I think I'll be able to come, might be visiting family after christmas though.