View Full Version : Ultimate file transfer!

Colonel Mitch
16th January 2009, 03:57 PM
Now ive got my server running its domain properly im copyin files over to its raid 0 array of 2 1TB drives. This makes them very fast. I also have a gigabit connection between my pc, the switch and the server. This is very fast. And im using a fresh user account with all of its profiles and documents etc being run from the server - this makes my computers hard drive run very fast. which results in a file transfer rate that is - you guessed it - VERY FAST....


Yep thats 96MB/second ;)

And for some bizzare reason wow was playing like shit on my pc (15 - 25 fps), now i run it over the network it stays locked at my refreshrate - 60.

16th January 2009, 04:10 PM
File transfer sucks in Vista.

Colonel Mitch
16th January 2009, 04:16 PM
looks like tis working pretty well there to me - thats the max my hard disk can read at :P

16th January 2009, 04:48 PM
Ya but that is RAID not a single HDD 96mbs would be pretty impressive from one disk.

16th January 2009, 05:06 PM
Oh, I thought you were complaining it was slow lol.

EDIT: Haha, just tested mine, 25MB/s xD

16th January 2009, 06:17 PM
lol @ phantom

Colonel Mitch
16th January 2009, 07:00 PM
Ya but that is RAID not a single HDD 96mbs would be pretty impressive from one disk.

Thats copying from my single samsung 750gb drive to the raid array - so it is the speed of the samsung drive thats limiting it to under 100MB/s.

I was on a blank userprofile and the server managed it all anyway wo the drive was pretty much not being used apart from that :)

16th January 2009, 07:34 PM
Thats copying from my single samsung 750gb drive to the raid array - so it is the speed of the samsung drive thats limiting it to under 100MB/s.

I was on a blank userprofile and the server managed it all anyway wo the drive was pretty much not being used apart from that :)

I know thats going onto a raid so the read speed is the limit but I still doubt you can get that speed :S

Colonel Mitch
16th January 2009, 10:14 PM
I know thats going onto a raid so the read speed is the limit but I still doubt you can get that speed :S

It usually stays at around 70-80 MB/s but i took that before it settled down :P

This is my drive http://www.microdirect.co.uk/(27074)Samsung-750GB-Spinpoint-F1-SATA-II-300-7200rpm.aspx - it says 175MBps internal speed - im sceptical about that 1 :P

Colonel Mitch
27th November 2009, 07:52 PM
New record - no raid array either :O

Just 750GB drive to 1.5TB drive direct. 1 image file 144GB.


27th November 2009, 08:17 PM
what.... thats pure hax I dont believe it :D

Vicious Horizon
27th November 2009, 08:29 PM
What do you possibly have that takes up 144GB!?

Colonel Mitch
27th November 2009, 08:47 PM
what.... thats pure hax I dont believe it :D

I was like WTF when it was copying, but continued at ~125 Meg for the first couple ofmins before i started doing other things using the hard disk.

What do you possibly have that takes up 144GB!?

a compressed image of my full hard disk.

Vicious Horizon
28th November 2009, 12:40 PM

I suppose I've seen bigger, a friend of mine downloaded 809Gb of stuff onto his computer once.. took him months XD

28th November 2009, 02:34 PM
I've seen bigger,

Thats what she said

Vicious Horizon
28th November 2009, 02:38 PM
Goddamn it. I'm really not having good luck with my penis today, am I.

(Yes, that one was on purpose :p)

Colonel Mitch
28th November 2009, 05:21 PM
Thats what she said

Mitch likes this.

30th November 2009, 03:42 AM
I was like WTF when it was copying, but continued at ~125 Meg for the first couple ofmins before i started doing other things using the hard disk.

Yeah I've had Windows display that before, I think it just displays that until it realises it's not actually going that fast :p.