View Full Version : Public Server, Something needs to change

1st March 2009, 03:47 PM
Well, i think it is fairly obvious to everyone that something is wrong with our server, this is the map rotation.

We, at the moment have a activity killer, Fastlane, in our rotation, and we dont have some of the best maps, Gravel pit.

There are so many combinations of a good server rotation, and i am going to list out these possibilitys now.

1st: This is the safest option, and may not work as well as other options

Dustbowl, Goldrush, Gravelpit, Badwater, Turbine

2nd: This will give us a solid fan base of people coming to our server. If any one has ever played the toy fort maps, these are great fun maps to play, with many variates.

cp_toy_fort_2_elite, pl_toy_fort_blu and many others that i cant remember at this time.

3rd: A route that will cause great disgust in our own community, but will get some more people on.


4th: We can have a permeant Dustbowl server


Please, surly i am not the only one that sees our servers as empty at the moment

1st March 2009, 03:58 PM
Voted First Option, because I hat toy maps and 24/7 servers are annoying. Unless it's 24/7 Shadow Labs in WoW :S

1st March 2009, 04:00 PM
...could always do some turbine too?

1st March 2009, 04:01 PM
Yh, i will put that into the first option now

1st March 2009, 04:23 PM
cp_granary, cp_well, cp_badlands imo.

1st March 2009, 04:50 PM
There is no way i'm having a 24/7 server, need multiple maps in there. I like fastlane but understand if it's an activity killer as you say.

TBH I'd just take out fastlane and add granary, well, and maybe badlands. Turbine is horrible for public.

Colonel Mitch
1st March 2009, 05:19 PM
Voted First Option, because I hat toy maps and 24/7 servers are annoying. Unless it's 24/7 Shadow Labs in WoW :S

lol oric

2forts pro tbh

26th June 2009, 11:59 PM
I voted nr. 3 because it's a great sniper map, and it's the first map I played, however, cp_orange x3 would be nice too.

27th June 2009, 12:22 AM
Hi welcome to the forum, becuase i saw this before oric i fell obliged to say


Have a Nice Day


27th June 2009, 02:19 PM
I'm getting tired of being King Necrobasher. Unlike some here, I'm willing to share responsibilities.