View Full Version : Google

22nd March 2009, 05:13 AM
Has anyone noticed the adds placed on the internet about posting add links on google by getting a kit for £5 off the internet an u can apprently get £500 a day , which i can't believe but then reading all the crap about the way google just throws money at its employees it seems plausable...anyone know the truth??

Also I really really really really really really wanna work at google :D

Have you seen google street maps btw its amazing you can walk down streets in cities all over UK and America pretty kool really...and you can show people areas that you live and stuff, if u live in one the 25 cities on there, worth havin a look :P

22nd March 2009, 12:21 PM
Didn't understand the first paragraph, though it seems totally unlikely you can earn £500 a day from doing it.

And yeah Google Street Maps are very cool, though they don't have it in Witney yet. Some stupid people are complaining that it breaches privacy, but they don't realise you can do the same thing just by walking down the street.

22nd March 2009, 02:38 PM
Yeh and im sure you can report an issue an they'll blur ur face out so its not that much of problem an yeh u can't really see anythin u can't anyway if u walk down the street...but people have been found in the wrong place at the wrong time...like there a pic of guy coming out of sex shop on one of them :P Its awesome the way you can walk around cities in other countries, like Col Mitch was showing me things in Texas that he's told me about but i wuld never hav actually seen :D

22nd March 2009, 04:19 PM
Likewise Chris. First thing I did was find place I went to in New York and Minneapolis.

22nd March 2009, 05:06 PM
cant wait till they do places like Dubai and Australia, its a good idea really u get to see a place before you get there an u can see if directions that u hav are rite or not, think its a great idea cant see y people complain

Vicious Horizon
23rd March 2009, 08:33 PM
Apparantly there was one place with a couple having sex in a window or something xD

25th March 2009, 02:50 AM
lol find the link an post it up :P