View Full Version : CryEngine 3 Demo

Vicious Horizon
26th March 2009, 04:59 PM
http://uk.pc.ign.com/dor/articles/965172/gdc-09-cryengine-3-in-motion/videos/cryengine3_trl_032309.html;jsessionid=70l66v3ec52d a

:o It looks so damned awesome!

26th March 2009, 10:30 PM
That does look awesome. Lighting is insane, but again I guess you'll need a 2 grand rig to play it like that.

Colonel Mitch
27th March 2009, 12:27 AM
cough :D

£2k is a bit steep tho, and i need mroe ram to play that but ddr3 has dropped alot recently so ill b ok :)

27th March 2009, 07:08 PM
Looks awesome

27th March 2009, 07:33 PM
how far is this obsession with fancy graphics going to go? I don't want RL when I play a game... I want a game that's fun to play...

27th March 2009, 08:05 PM
how far is this obsession with fancy graphics going to go? I don't want RL when I play a game... I want a game that's fun to play...
People want to push the boundaries of technology, it's in our nature. If you don't want to play the game you don't have to :rolleyes:.

Vicious Horizon
27th March 2009, 08:33 PM
I want to play realistic combat games, because I'd rather not get my tits shot at by a real Al'Queada (sp?), but you gotta say, realism is so cool as long as it's not compromised with fun, no good having an unfun game is there ;D

27th March 2009, 11:05 PM
lol the first crysis was sooo fun an the gfx where amazin, am sure the next one will be just as good if not better

27th March 2009, 11:13 PM
But from what I've heard, the actual game was crap, it was just eye-candy and a benchmarking tool.

27th March 2009, 11:46 PM
u need to actually play the game it was quite addictive an lukd awesome

28th March 2009, 02:09 AM
no, sorry, it wasn't. It was fiddely, the AI was shite, and the vehicles were horrible.

Vicious Horizon
28th March 2009, 12:24 PM
Lol, thankyou DK, you are the kind of person I love, you actually look into a game, rather than just wank over the graphics xD

28th March 2009, 01:24 PM
Lol, thankyou DK, you are the kind of person I love, you actually look into a game, rather than just wank over the graphics xD
Bear in mind that he criticizes almost everything xD.

28th March 2009, 03:18 PM
lol it wasn't fiddely u just had to get use to the controls, yeh the ai wasn't amazin n i can't see the problem wit the vehicles myself

Colonel Mitch
28th March 2009, 03:41 PM
no, sorry, it wasn't. It was fiddely, the AI was shite, and the vehicles were horrible.

I hear alot of people say this, The vehicles are horrible to drive, but lets be honest, how well is a small korean humvee going to handle at 45 MPH?

Or a long transport truck. They handle like shit because they would handle like shit :P

Flying the VTOL was a bit of a hrash learning curve but it was okay once u got used to it.

The AI was a bit crap tbh, but the way they would shout various things at you and shout grenage when they hadnt thrown one to make you run was good.

If you didnt play through thinking constantly these koreans are stupid :P or played on high difficulty levels the game gets alot more fun when you stealth everywhere :)

And the graphics were simply jawdropping.

28th March 2009, 05:42 PM
I still play half life, and mods. Hell, most of us here have tried and enjoyed quakelive. Graphics really aren't important, it's the gameplay!

28th March 2009, 06:13 PM
On purely graphics and appearance alone... I would say an art style that fits the setting is far more important than higher res graphics. Of course the two can go hand-in-hand as well.

Half Life 2 comes to mind for that, back when it was new - I love that mix of decaying eastern European architecture and futuristic alien weirdness. Like having some abandoned warehouse with futuristic combine panels stuck to the walls.

Crysis no how pretty it is, just looks boring. But then I found the gameplay boring as well so I might not be the most objective opinion around. :p