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View Full Version : TF2 Sniper Update!

3rd April 2009, 10:37 PM
I know this has been posted in the shoutbox, but it deserves more than that:

The next class pack will focus on the Sniper. It's actually shaping up to be the largest TF2 update yet, with multiple new maps and a bunch of gameplay tweaks. In addition, we've got another update in the works that should be done before the Sniper, and that one will include some new content for all classes.Find it here (http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2394).

I can't wait already, even though I want the Engineer and Spy update about 1 million times more! Oh, and wave goodbye to yer head, wanker :p.

3rd April 2009, 11:01 PM
No wai, this is the best one to do next except for soldier, personally i cant really think what they could add, except basic things like a more rapid firing sniper or maybe a decoy sniper. Would be fun to fool some Spies.

Oh and im dreading the Engie updates, everyone playing engineer :p
No one would move anywhere

3rd April 2009, 11:32 PM
haha good point trigger, no one would move :P, i could think of one sniper upgrade like an SVD (Dragunov) Basicly not a bolt rifle, an automatic one that doesent unscope you and has faster firing rate ofc but does lower dmg and 1shot kills in head AND at the fricking HEART zone, you know i think they could easily add another point to the ragdoll of a player called HEART (for snipers ofc :)) and for the kukri or machete they could add an electrical chainsaw like the one in DOW 2 :D. and for the SMG well hmm i cant really think of anything for the SMG well but like the scout got a red bull drink to avoid damage sniper could have one that increases snipers damage 150% but like only 3 dozes.



4th April 2009, 12:03 AM
This should be fun. Sniper is my main class. I'm not too bothered about the unlocks, but I do want to see what sort of achivements they can bring out for us. Any news on when it's coming out?

4th April 2009, 09:49 AM
It will be some while. They plan to release a update that will effect every class before the bring this out.

4th April 2009, 01:52 PM
One achievement will obviously be to wave for the death camera so many times. Though I don't really play TF2 much, so for all I know its already an achievement. :p