View Full Version : Fallen Earth

4th April 2009, 12:02 PM

Hey guys, I came across this one while having a look at the escapist site. They're doing a one day key giveaway for this new MMO that seems to be quite interesting...

Fallen Earth seems to be an MMOFPS hybrid (which, with current technology, should be decent, as opposed to stuff like planetside) that includes vehicles, crafting, PvP, and NO CLASSES. You're free to do anything. 6 factions, each unique, subfactions... Yeah, it could get interesting. Links below if you're interested. It's still MMO, so the wowheads might be able to get in to it too.

The Escapist Link to the Comp

All the answers you need are here

4th April 2009, 12:32 PM
You promoting an MMO?? Christ, the world is ending.....

4th April 2009, 12:59 PM
an MMO with guns and a first person element, yes. Oh, and vehicles. bikes and cars are also a good reason to get into an MMO.

That said, I used to like LOTRO. I just don't like wow :P

4th April 2009, 01:59 PM
Sounds interesting enough, at least it isn't Korean (which is instant damnation in my eyes often).