View Full Version : Rat Attack!!

22nd April 2009, 12:30 PM
Well, my dad looked in our garden about 10 minutes ago and he saw a huge fat rat sat on our garden in the sun :eek:. So he showed me and jokingly because me and my family do archery I said we should shoot him with our bow. So my dad taking this seriously went up stairs and got out his medieval crossbow he uses for archery. He went to our balcony and shot about 3 bolts at it, all missed! (LOL, what a noob) But the rat did not run off. Our next door neighbour was in her garden and we shouted to her and told her about the rat. She said she had been seeing rats in her garden for ages so she had put down some rat poison and last night she had seen 3 in her garden. So it’s probably poisoned. Don’t really know what to do now.

22nd April 2009, 12:37 PM
Shoot it some more with your bow until you hit it. Then skin it and roast it over an open fire.

22nd April 2009, 12:42 PM
Strange, I have rats in my garden too, under our shed. I figure they're harmless though, and they look cute running across the place.

22nd April 2009, 12:46 PM
Shoot it some more with your bow until you hit it. Then skin it and roast it over an open fire.

Lol, what if it has rabies or something.

DK this one is not cute, it's so big i think it could be the king of the rats!

22nd April 2009, 12:58 PM
Tame it so it can be your pet or hit it with your fists and gain 2xp

22nd April 2009, 01:00 PM
Tame it so it can be your pet or hit it with your fists and gain 2xp

Lol, this isn't WoW or runescape.

22nd April 2009, 01:08 PM
Lol, this isn't WoW or runescape.

Round of applause for Cpt Obvious

22nd April 2009, 01:14 PM
Life is a game. Go grind your combat skills in a public place.

Colonel Mitch
22nd April 2009, 01:19 PM
Buy a new crossbow with a scope :D

Or a CO2 powered bolt action air rifle. There more powerful than most spring ones and can be reloaded alot faster with less movement to scare off things.

22nd April 2009, 02:48 PM
Bah all thinking too small, Live grenades will do the trick :D

22nd April 2009, 03:21 PM
I figure they're harmless though.

Wouldn't say that, they've got a fuckload of diseases.

And the best thing to use is a garden gun, basically a light weight shotgun, got enough blast radius to hit it when it's running, but won't blow a hole in the side of your shed.

22nd April 2009, 04:56 PM
Il Bring ma dog round, Terriers love a Rat

22nd April 2009, 05:16 PM
Bah all thinking too small, Live grenades will do the trick :D

nah, maby a flamethrower :) or an RPG

22nd April 2009, 05:34 PM
Or develop a small nuclear bomb with a damage radius of your garden shed. Thats how you kill the bastards.

Colonel Mitch
22nd April 2009, 05:37 PM
Or you could just detonate a tainted Zero Point Module (Giles will no what im talking about :P)

22nd April 2009, 05:53 PM
Camalus had a great idea rigging a ZPM up to make it a bomb, a shame we never got to see it explode. :(

22nd April 2009, 06:26 PM
But we assume Camelass got an ass kicking from baal for bringing back the wrong one :D

22nd April 2009, 06:29 PM
Wait wait, is this stargate were on about?

Zpm is the thing they used to power up the under water city thing and Baal was that freaky not so egyptian parasite in the stomach leader?
Awesome series's

Am i right lol?

22nd April 2009, 06:30 PM
lol I wouldnt say right the ZPM use from SG1 was years before SGA was even released when the gould were still pimping it.

22nd April 2009, 07:11 PM
Wait wait, is this stargate were on about?

Zpm is the thing they used to power up the under water city thing and Baal was that freaky not so egyptian parasite in the stomach leader?
Awesome series's

Am i right lol?
Don't even try to communicate with them. They're in 'Stargate' mode.

22nd April 2009, 07:27 PM
ah dammit i was close enough, Tealc rocked (dont moan at the spelling, im warning you)

22nd April 2009, 07:34 PM
Don't even try to communicate with them. They're in 'Stargate' mode.

Come on sing it with me NAAAAAAA NAAAAAAA




Were talking stargateeeee, it's a great big world with a giant swirl watch out for those goa'uld.

Yes they are the hidden lyrics or along the lines of them :D

22nd April 2009, 08:02 PM

Worst lyrics evar
EDit: aaw embedding disabled

23rd April 2009, 01:21 AM
surround it wit rat traps and let it starv to death!!!!

23rd April 2009, 01:14 PM
surround it wit rat traps and let it starv to death!!!!
Wrong thread?

EDIT: Oh, this thread went so offtopic I forgot what the original topic was xD.

23rd April 2009, 01:53 PM
surround it wit rat traps and let it starv to death!!!!

It's gone now, probably dead somewhere in the garden.