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20th July 2009, 10:20 AM
Have a Band?
Have a computer?
Does your band need to get noticed?
Do you love Rock Band the video Game?
Well then the new concept for Rock Band is for you! MTV Games and Harmonix today announced Rock Band Network, a program that lets bands prepare and release their own tracks for sale as downloadable content in the game. Beginning later this year, anyone with a song, some technical know-how, and an XNA Creators Club membership will have a shot at selling their Rock Band tracks to the masses and walk away with a cut of the proceeds. So in simple terms spend maybe $500 or so and then you have a chance to sell your song to Rock Band users for $.50 to $3.00. With the total number of Rock Band gamers in the hundred of thousands at $.50 a song there is a chance for some real money their. The Beta edition of the service starts in late August and the tracks will be exclusive to the Xbox 360 versions of Rock Band for at least 30 days, but some songs may find their way to the PlayStation 3 and Wii editions of the game according to MTV Games. The publisher also has plans to help artists promote their songs on the service, but it isn’t offering details on that just yet.

This seems like the best thing ever, this is actually making me practice my singing and guitar playing more, its a great way for decent new bands to actually make money, and gain a little bit of fame.

The website is http://creators.rockband.com/ and the video puts the concept in allot more prospective.

Who knows, maybe the ATK band has found its target audience?

20th July 2009, 11:45 AM
*Runs off to grab Bass and recording equipment*

Soooooooo going for this :p.

20th July 2009, 12:29 PM
It's going to be incredibly over-saturated with poor songs from teen bands. I can't see anyone making much money unless they're already a famous name.

20th July 2009, 12:41 PM
If Activision do this for GH, then I might be interested. But since it is Rock Band, there is nothing to see here.

20th July 2009, 01:08 PM
It's going to be incredibly over-saturated with poor songs from teen bands.

Hey, we're not that bad :p.

Got to give teen bands some rep though, some are very good and it's a BITCH to get started.

20th July 2009, 02:04 PM
some are very good and it's a BITCH to get started.
Yeah, but I don't see how this would help, what's going to make people spend £1 on a song that could be shit?

20th July 2009, 02:53 PM
Well I'll enter my email address... one problem though.. I lack being in a band. :(

And though it won't work due to us living all over the place, an ATK band would be awesome.

20th July 2009, 02:57 PM
why not? do we seriously lack the ability to play to a tempo?