View Full Version : Guess The Track

31st July 2009, 01:03 PM
OK, another idea of mine that will die by the end of August. But lets try it out.

The idea stems from the band idea we have. You pick a song, and record yourself playing a minimum of 10 seconds and a maximum of a minute of that song. It can only be one instrument (no multitracking) and it has to be you playing. Then you host it and post it, and then other people try to guess what the song is. Feel free to post loads of tracks up at once.

When you post - you need to say what instrument it is and what section of the song it is.

Tips for recording - put your PC mic in front of your amp or drumkit and use TS as a recording tool. Doesn't have to be HQ, so long as it's distinguishable.

So I'll go first;

Instrument - Bass
Section - Bridge/Breakdown
Track - HERE (http://www.atkcommunity.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=38) (ATK Downloads)

PS - Chalex - make it so the DL section takes WAVs

31st July 2009, 05:55 PM
Sounds very Breaking Benjamin to me... is it So Cold?

And wtf is with the Chewy noise at the end Oric. :p If I do this I might record a video, probably would be easier for me.

31st July 2009, 06:54 PM
Here's my go at one: Link (http://www.atkcommunity.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=39)

Instrument - Electric Guitar
Section - Solo

31st July 2009, 07:14 PM
Chaz - Queen - Don't Stop Me Now. Youv'e got the right band - wrong song.

31st July 2009, 09:23 PM
Not the best recording in the world, using a 3.5mm lead with an adaptor to 3/4" jack on the end for my bass :p. (Although I did put it through Reaper and mix the track a bit, gave it some reverb and sorted out the EQ curves :p.)
