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Colonel Mitch
16th August 2009, 08:29 PM
Been speaking to chalex today and with DE and Target about what new servers we should get.

We were thinking 24 slot TF2 Public, 20 slot CS (undecided kind) and possibly a.....

Hidden Source Server!

post your thoughts below and poll accordingly.

16th August 2009, 09:52 PM
No to hidden, get bored of it way too soon and it wont get used much,

U meant css right?
and TF2? fair enough

16th August 2009, 09:56 PM
We basically have 64 slots to spend on servers, so please post your opinions on what we should get here.

Colonel Mitch
16th August 2009, 11:02 PM
We basically have 64 slots to spend on servers, so please post your opinions on what we should get here.

24 slot tf2

20 slot CSS

10 slot hidden

10 left over


24 slot TF2

18 slot CSS

10 slot hidden

12 left over (enough for a 6v6 match server on something)

16th August 2009, 11:09 PM
Not bothered, not amazingly impressed with the game atm, so doesnt really bother me either way

16th August 2009, 11:14 PM
I think The Hidden is cool, but I can't really see us playing it in a couple of weeks time.

16th August 2009, 11:16 PM
64 slot Project Reality server + Change TS to Mumble = Win.

17th August 2009, 12:18 AM
As awesome as that would be for you and a few others Vox, if you could think of an alternative that would be useful ;).

Vicious Horizon
17th August 2009, 10:05 AM
*Cough*, a JKA server would be popular, seeing as it's got one of the oldest and most famous clan's name splattered all over it.

Though that's still in discussion, I believe.

17th August 2009, 10:11 AM
I think we need a 64-slot Shipment 24/7 DM server for CoD4. That is fun as hell :D

17th August 2009, 10:22 AM
I remember when I first joined the community, when you had that surf server, that was used a LOT! Especially by myself, just making a comment :)

17th August 2009, 10:52 AM
Agreed with John here :p.

17th August 2009, 10:55 AM
24 TF2 Public
16 CSS Public (could be surf sometimes)
16 Modern Warfare 2 (when it comes out)
8 L4D 2 (when it comes out)


17th August 2009, 11:10 AM
/agree with phantom

17th August 2009, 11:10 AM
Phantoms looks good tbh

17th August 2009, 11:12 AM
Surf is shit. Do a 24/7 Glassmaps server instead. And do 2x 4 slot L4D servers, since Versus is also crap.

17th August 2009, 11:14 AM
campaing is shit compared to versus

17th August 2009, 11:15 AM
When do L4D2 and MW2 come out? I don't particularly like the idea of waiting ages to actually use some servers.

17th August 2009, 11:22 AM
When do L4D2 and MW2 come out? I don't particularly like the idea of waiting ages to actually use some servers.
MW2 is meant to be in september some time, L4D2 will probably be around christmas though im not sure on that.

EDIT: Just checked Wiki, MW2 is 10th Nov and L4D2 is 17th Nov. That's if they stick to the deadline. TBH, if we get a CSS and TF2 server now, there's no point getting some other servers just to have to switch them in a few months. I don't mind waiting.

17th August 2009, 11:25 AM
Whatever Phantom says, nobody can listen to, HE PLAYS WOW, I SAW HIM ON STEAM :p:p But good ides guys :)

17th August 2009, 11:33 AM
I'm with Phantom here, Oric is having a fail fest so don't listen to him :p.

17th August 2009, 11:38 AM
Yeah I think the Novelty of Hidden will wear off pretty quickly, so yes to a TF2 server, yes to a CS:S, which doesn't HAVE to be either normal maps or fun, it could rotate between normal, glass and surf, and maybe eventually stick with one if it becomes the most popular.
As for the remaining slots... mod Empire: Total War to make a persistent ATK multiplayer campaign tbh :p.

17th August 2009, 11:41 AM
Whatever Phantom says, nobody can listen to, HE PLAYS WOW, I SAW HIM ON STEAM :p:p But good ides guys :)
It's TRUE! Somebody help meeeeeee.

Colonel Mitch
17th August 2009, 12:04 PM
I agree with the L4D2 and MW2 servers but with them not being out for a while we get the ability to swap the servers around anyway so thres no reason to not use them in the mean time really. The only downside is the slight effort setting the server up in the first place.

17th August 2009, 12:44 PM
I'm with Phantom here, Oric is having a fail fest so don't listen to him :p.


What weed are you smoking?

24 slot TF2
16 slot CSS Anything but Surf
4 slot L4D2
20 slot CoD:MW2
+ Your £10 for not doing Admin purchase by nabs.

With the last two being the originals before the new versions. Sorted. Gogo setup.

17th August 2009, 12:59 PM
Yeah I think the Novelty of Hidden will wear off pretty quickly, so yes to a TF2 server, yes to a CS:S, which doesn't HAVE to be either normal maps or fun, it could rotate between normal, glass and surf, and maybe eventually stick with one if it becomes the most popular.
As for the remaining slots... mod Empire: Total War to make a persistent ATK multiplayer campaign tbh :p.

Empire mod FTW, we never had our game at I37 :eek:

17th August 2009, 01:29 PM

What weed are you smoking?

24 slot TF2
16 slot CSS Anything but Surf
4 slot L4D2
20 slot CoD:MW2
+ Your £10 for not doing Admin purchase by nabs.

With the last two being the originals before the new versions. Sorted. Gogo setup.

Tbh we want a 8 slot L4D as campaign sucks balls, and you can find one of them easy enuf, a good versus server is always hard to find

17th August 2009, 02:39 PM
Thats because no-one sane plays versus. Everyone is always on campaign servers.

But assume you did make it an 8 slot. What would the four slots come out of?

17th August 2009, 03:11 PM
Empire mod FTW, we never had our game at I37 :eek:

We couldn't because I've bloated E:TW so much with mods I don't know how to get rid of them all. :p

17th August 2009, 04:15 PM
An tbh our surf servers in the c2g days use to be awesome and pretty popular

17th August 2009, 04:44 PM
I've just heard back from INX that we can't have a BF2/Project Reality server, so sorry about that.

It really would be great to be able to have a few servers that use all of those 64 slots in current games. Personally, I think we should just go with CSS and TF2. We've tried L4D servers in the past and there is no real benefit of having them since they're way too much of a hassle to connect to. We'll think about the new games when they are about to be released.

Paper Tiger
17th August 2009, 10:15 PM
TF2 server for sure =]
CSS should go without saying as those two games are the ones we play most!

As for any others, I have no idea tbh... lol

17th August 2009, 10:25 PM
surf > glassmaps



sorry guys, had to be said...

18th August 2009, 12:06 AM
FAIL css tf2 there the main games get servers for them mainly. The css needs to be multi purpose...ie have all the mods we want loaded on it ready to use.

19th August 2009, 05:24 PM
match servers for the serious gamers who actually want the teams in the community to work!!

yup yup, ty, nuff said :)

19th August 2009, 05:38 PM
From what Midge said, what do you all think of the following:

TF2 24 slot (66 tick)
TF2 15 slot (100 tick)
CSS 16 slot (66 tick)
CSS 11 slot (100 tick)

(66 slots in total, I'll see what I can do about getting 2 extra slots :p).

Many of you may think match servers are totally pointless, but because we are all free in the summer we'll easily be able to find some clans who want to make use of a free match server if we advertise them well.

This will bring more visitors to ATK and may even help reform the teams :).

19th August 2009, 06:10 PM
What Summer? Most people go back to school in two to three weeks.

19th August 2009, 06:19 PM
Yeah but many of us don't have to go back as early with university or gap years. As long as a good photoshopper is free it will be fine *cough, chazlene*.

I just want to get these servers sorted now so that we can stop wasting time!

19th August 2009, 06:37 PM
From what Midge said, what do you all think of the following:

TF2 24 slot (66 tick)
TF2 15 slot (100 tick)
CSS 16 slot (66 tick)
CSS 11 slot (100 tick)

(66 slots in total, I'll see what I can do about getting 2 extra slots :p).

Many of you may think match servers are totally pointless, but because we are all free in the summer we'll easily be able to find some clans who want to make use of a free match server if we advertise them well.

This will bring more visitors to ATK and may even help reform the teams :).
The TF2 match server is pointless because we play matches with SBC now. CSS team doesn't exist (prove me wrong). I think my list is better.

19th August 2009, 07:03 PM
I've been told by VH that he needs a match server, and Midge expressed interest in the TF2 match server.

Colonel Mitch
19th August 2009, 07:06 PM
I've been told by VH that he needs a match server, and Midge expressed interest in the TF2 match server.

VH says alot of things.

Everyone in ATK that playes TF2 plays for SBC as part of ATK now on their own servers (they ahve 3) so its really just a waste tehre.

As for the css match server untill we have more than 1 person ready to play tis just going to idle 24/7 doing nothing unless I install lolmods on it and me play on it at gaming nights for fun.

20th August 2009, 12:07 PM
just a suggestion :)

i had a feeling a TF2 match server wouldnt be a good idea due to the SBC thing going on, but it would be good to get the ATK name there as not jst a community but also trying to get in to more leagues and serious gameplay.

CSS is still a very popular game (public servers are slipping slightly) but look on gaming leagues and u can still see competitions going on.

As for the team, i would have been a part of it last year, and i wudda put my name down for leader when vox gave up, but the uni were ever so kind and blocked all online games (guys going on to uni might wanna check theirs out to be on the safe side), but if there are a few people interested in CSS still, and want a good team with the serious look of getting in to leagues, it shudnt be ruled out imo

20th August 2009, 01:40 PM
CSS Public servers are slipping? They didn't exactly have a high-standard in the first place...

20th August 2009, 03:32 PM
I dont understand you chalex, EVERYONE in the community says the same thing except a relitively inactive person ( no offence midge ) and the Biggest ( or second ) noob in the entire community.


20th August 2009, 03:38 PM
The side you weren't on? :p.

20th August 2009, 04:52 PM
no offence taken DE, the only reason i was inactive was due to uni

but i was here before u :D

21st August 2009, 12:22 PM
Now that SBC has gone down the tubes, I think we really do need a TF2 match server again ;) . As such, does anyone have any serious issues with the following server list before I send it to INX:

TF2 24 slot (66 tick) - TF2 pubs always go down well
TF2 15 slot (100 tick) - The new ATK TF2 team needs a server
CSS 16 slot (66 tick) - We could have a poll for surf/normal/fun/gungame/deathmatch etc
CSS 11 slot (100 tick) - We need to at least give the CSS team a chance

The CSS pub server is going to be the least used, so if there are better ideas for those slots let me know.

21st August 2009, 12:41 PM
Yeah. Wheres the CoD4 server? We don't need two CS/TF2 servers, since they can double up. And what happened to the burning desire for a L4D server?

21st August 2009, 01:58 PM
I'd be happy with a 16 slot COD4 instead of public CSS, but that may just be me and you Oric. Also, we do definitely need 2 TF2 servers since if we ever really want our public servers to succeed, they can't suddenly be shut down for training.

As much as L4D is a great game, it's just a bitch to actually choose a server you want with the matchmaking system. Most of the time it's easier and more fun just to go on a random one. If all of you really want a couple of L4D servers though (instead of COD4/CSS), just say.

21st August 2009, 02:18 PM
I didn't necessarily want the L4D servers, I just found it odd that there was a massive following for them, which seemed to die pretty sharpish. Quite a few people play CoD, and would love a server - 16 is way too small though. And why not ditch CSS altogether - our team hasn't practiced in a year, and there is no prospect of getting one soon. Plus there is no-one that plays it regularly and those that do play it find a public server.

21st August 2009, 02:21 PM
It would be helpful if VH would post here, but he did explicitly say to me that training for the CSS team (which he's trying very hard with) is impossible without a server - I think he at least deserves a chance.

21st August 2009, 02:59 PM
Maybe VH wants to but at the end of the day you need more than 5 people for a team and there aint more than 5 people in ATK who wants to do it

21st August 2009, 03:09 PM
I'd MUCH prefer a good gungame server than a CoD4 server, I don't play that at all anymore. Because there is a lack of a decent alternative (no oric, we are not getting a 4 man L4D server), I agree with Chalex for the time being, although his totals 66 slots not 64 (cut the TF2 match server to 13).

That gives VC his last chance to prove he can get a CSS team working, and if not we can swap that for a L4D 2 server when it comes out. If the CSS server isn't popular enough, we could always swap that in a few months for a CoD6 server instead.

21st August 2009, 03:13 PM
As I said earlier Phantom, I don't want the L4D server. I just found it odd there was a massive demand for it, which seemed to die off quite quickly. TBH, I'd rather have a CoD4 server with the slots, and maybe a 12-man CSS Glass server, because I'll camp that 24/7. No offense, but GG does suck after a couple rounds.

21st August 2009, 03:20 PM
As I said earlier Phantom, I don't want the L4D server. I just found it odd there was a massive demand for it, which seemed to die off quite quickly. TBH, I'd rather have a CoD4 server with the slots, and maybe a 12-man CSS Glass server, because I'll camp that 24/7. No offense, but GG does suck after a couple rounds.
Ok, i'll take that back then. However, maybe Valve will have a different system in L4D2 which makes it more beneficial to have your own server. I think in that case having our own versus server would definately be a good idea, and it's only 8 slots.

Maybe we should put it to vote as to what the remaining slots should be, a CSS gungame/glass or CoD4.

21st August 2009, 03:24 PM
Gungame only works if it's deathmatch as well. If we had reverse gungame deathmatch it'd work, but then, that's my personal bias coming into play like with every other mod suggestion.

21st August 2009, 07:05 PM

We don't need a CS match server, but we don't need much else either...

Has anyone mentioned that we might just have spare slots? Maybe save them for when we find a beta we love or something?

21st August 2009, 07:26 PM
Has anyone mentioned that we might just have spare slots? Maybe save them for when we find a beta we love or something?
That would be like having a cake and not eating it.

21st August 2009, 07:38 PM
The cake is a lie.

21st August 2009, 08:29 PM
If we want the CSS team to resurface, then we do really need a match server to do it

23rd August 2009, 01:03 PM
Right, it looks like we've agreed on the following:

TF2 24 slot (66 tick) - TF2 pubs always go down well
TF2 13 slot (100 tick) - The new ATK TF2 team needs a server
CSS 16 slot (66 tick) - Probably reverse gungame deathmatch
CSS 11 slot (100 tick) - We need to at least give the CSS team a chance

As we've said above, if both the CSS servers prove to be unused and a waste of time then we'll change them into COD4/MW2/L4D/L4D2 servers :).

23rd August 2009, 01:04 PM
Right, it looks like we've agreed on the following:

TF2 24 slot (66 tick) - TF2 pubs always go down well
TF2 13 slot (100 tick) - The new ATK TF2 team needs a server
CSS 16 slot (66 tick) - Probably reverse gungame deathmatch
CSS 11 slot (100 tick) - We need to at least give the CSS team a chance

As we've said above, if both the CSS servers prove to be unused and a waste of time then we'll change them into COD4/MW2/L4D/L4D2 servers :).

23rd August 2009, 01:05 PM
Sounds fine with me + you can always change them like you said

voxfree A.K.A tom
23rd August 2009, 01:30 PM
i agree with vox first suggestion with the pr server woop
but otherwise i like the idea with 24 tf2 ect but no hidden because the server wont be used enough and we have more fun with random public on there.

23rd August 2009, 01:55 PM
I've just submitted a ticket to INX with the changes above.