View Full Version : Mine (and Kyles) darts game!

Colonel Mitch
17th January 2010, 05:37 AM
Spent a lot of time working on our project - create a darts game!

Found that if i build it into class files and keep them in 1 folder i can run them with a batch file so long as the user has java installed - which i assume you all do.

So... here (http://www.filefront.com/15370403/darts%20game%28v2%29.zip) you can find a .zip of the folder. Just extract it to any NON NETWORK location, and run the batch file!

If you want to see the code go here (http://www.filefront.com/15368813/workspace.zip), extract, and the codes in darts\src - just open with notepad.

I expect feedback - and please DO try to break it, putting in things you shouldn't etc. If you end up in a non ending loop, or get errors let me no BEFORE MONDAY 4pm please :)

Colonel Mitch
17th January 2010, 12:59 PM
Updated link to Version 2 (corrects aiming for 0 after a score repeating previous score)

17th January 2010, 01:22 PM
Nice fun little game. Being the sports god that I am, I went 2-0 first two games against Austin Powers and Piers :)

Any chance of me being coded in, where I have a massive chance to hit T20's the whole time :D

EDIT - Just beat David Beckham by 255 :P

17th January 2010, 01:32 PM
Cool program, but does the user always hit where he aims?

Also, would be better if you uploaded to the ATK Downloads Area (http://www.atkcommunity.com/downloads.php) since I found FilePlanet quite slow just there.

Colonel Mitch
17th January 2010, 01:34 PM
Cool program, but does the user always hit where he aims?

Also, would be better if you uploaded to the ATK Downloads Area (http://www.atkcommunity.com/downloads.php) since I found FilePlanet quite slow just there.

The user doesn't always hit what they aim for.

I just did a quick test on this and managed to get 180, but then re ran and it gave me 5, 1, 60.

Go to view replay after a game and check. If you've never missed something fishy is going on.

also its filefront and it requires me to type things to upload it to atk wheras its just 1 button on filefront :P

18th January 2010, 01:43 AM
lazy... :P good job tho

18th January 2010, 11:17 PM
Cant get it to load

Colonel Mitch
19th January 2010, 12:45 AM
Cant get it to load

install java.

19th January 2010, 01:27 AM
Kk, gunna go a bit off topic here but dnt think msn is workin too well atm, Piers do you know if Paul has any of the chairs from the nest to sell, and also how much does he want for one of the newish monitors?