View Full Version : Uni

28th October 2010, 10:01 PM
Well everyone is back and well settled into uni, just wondered how the noobs where doing in their first years...we haven't heard from DK so I think he;s been killed??
Aslo, would someone like to collect my pc and bring it to my flat, I'm so bored of console gaming and the shitty laptop :@

Also did anyone see Social Network? Can we make $25 Billion Website please :D

Has anyone seen Chalex with any of the videos or is he just full of flail and hot air as usual :P
"I'm busy, doing important STUFF" c Chalex4


Colonel Mitch
28th October 2010, 10:15 PM
First year is going ok but its alot more work than we had at dumfries xD

flat is pretty awesome and internet withing a week at an estimated 13 meg :D

home cinema and flatmates are win, watch alot of movies together and play alot of rockband

28th October 2010, 11:33 PM
Chalex, where's our $25 billion website?

29th October 2010, 02:16 AM
tits or gtfo?

29th October 2010, 11:35 PM
tits or gtfo?


That came under 'flat chested'. Interestingly, I had to go through 7 pages of Kiera Knightley snaps until I found that one.

30th October 2010, 12:32 AM
ahh man im gunna be bashing one out to that asap :p

14th November 2010, 10:14 PM
UNI IS PRO .... that is all

20th November 2010, 11:29 PM
I'm at the (on average rank) 6th best university in the country, studying a subject I'm really interested in with some great coursemates, I'm playing American Football twice a week, theres a rock club once a fortnight, my flatmates are awesome, I have a shot at the student radio next term and I have an en-suite room in the nicest halls on campus

How do you think it's going? :D

And on Chris's original post - I did see TSN, and I thought it was awesome. If you haven't already - GO SEE IT!

21st November 2010, 01:29 AM
In the city which overtook Nottingham as the place with the highest concentration of gun crime, studying a subject that means I have to do a fuck load of essays and reading, on a street which once housed the local drug den until the police raided it last week, in a house with housemates than I'll probably have killed before the year is out and I spend most of my time slowly drinking myself into a semi-conscious stupor while watching crappy sitcoms from the 90's.

Uni is fucking beast.

Vicious Horizon
21st November 2010, 12:35 PM
Lol Uni.

Isn't that for people that actually did revision in their A-Levels?