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23rd December 2010, 02:33 PM
'ight all, long time no see.

*attepts to remove the cobwebs from his PC*

Anywho, I've gotten myself into full-time work, and NO, it's NOT 9-5! It's shift work, some days I do afternoons, and some nights, and sometimes both.

Afternoons: 12-4.
Nights: 6-10.

With the paychecks coming in quite decently, and Christmas + my Birthday (January 27th), I'm looking to spend around £500-600 on a half-decent PC (with a 10% leeway for added coolness). A monitor is not required, nor is a keyboard and mouse, but if you can squeeze them in, it's cool.

I'm not a huge techie but I know the small things about my own PC, currently running:

Single Core Processor
nVidia 7600 GS Gfx Card
1.5gB RAM
80gB HDD

So as you can imagine, I REALLY want an upgrade, so I can actually play Black Ops, but it will keep my ticking over into newer games coming within the next year or so, so I can afford an even better one at the time. If you're able to make me a computer through a website and order the parts in, I'm almost sure I can build it myself, (though I've only built one by myself). Or if using a site which builds it for you, you just choose the parts, even better.

Thanks guys <3

23rd December 2010, 03:11 PM
haha it's you.

Colonel Mitch
23rd December 2010, 03:50 PM
You could build something like this:

(click to maximise)


23rd December 2010, 03:59 PM
thats a good option, but if you dont know much about building pc's one of your best options is to go to somewhere like overclockers uk or scan.com and buy one of there pre-overclocked bundles, there pre built overclocked and stress tested to make sure you get a stable overclock, and only costs on average about ten quid more than buying the components on there own.

23rd December 2010, 04:08 PM
That looks awesome Piers, but I honestly would be scared of building it myself, with all the cables going everywhere and stuffs >.<

(EDIT - Looking through Overclockers, found a nice bundle actually + adding a Gfx Card)


Add on the "MSI GeForce GTX 460 Cyclone 1024MB GDDR5". All I'd need would be some nice guy to acquire me a nice copy of W7.

Colonel Mitch
23rd December 2010, 04:44 PM
That looks awesome Piers, but I honestly would be scared of building it myself, with all the cables going everywhere and stuffs >.<

(EDIT - Looking through Overclockers, found a nice bundle actually + adding a Gfx Card)


Add on the "MSI GeForce GTX 460 Cyclone 1024MB GDDR5". All I'd need would be some nice guy to acquire me a nice copy of W7.

That builds not too bad and has a much nicer case, but the 5xx nvidia cards or 69xx ati cards are where its at if u want something a bit future proof, unless your going to get more than one.

If you want an nvidia card wait for the 560 to come out.

23rd December 2010, 04:49 PM
yeah as theoreticaly the 560 should be aproximatly 38% faster than the 460 due to the architecture changes, (the last fermi core being unlocked) this is providing that the card is in the same layout as the f104

23rd December 2010, 05:30 PM
Surely if it's so much better, it's going to be WAYYY more expensive? I only want it for a few months, possibly a year, before I'm gonna go all out on a PC... And if I was going to buy it new, and the new card came out, I could always upgrade at a later date? =]

Colonel Mitch
23rd December 2010, 06:24 PM
Surely if it's so much better, it's going to be WAYYY more expensive? I only want it for a few months, possibly a year, before I'm gonna go all out on a PC... And if I was going to buy it new, and the new card came out, I could always upgrade at a later date? =]

if you get that system from overclockers for the same price as the one i priced up, its alot less of a machine.

23rd December 2010, 06:24 PM
nope it should cost arround the same price, due to the fact there nearly the same architecture just unlocking the last core and a few other little things

23rd December 2010, 06:26 PM
if you get that system from overclockers for the same price as the one i priced up, its alot less of a machine.

But who would I have put it together? I don't wanna be putting cables in the wrong places >.<

Colonel Mitch
23rd December 2010, 06:37 PM
But who would I have put it together? I don't wanna be putting cables in the wrong places >.<

you cant put cables in wrong places. I can build it for you if u pay for me to get you yours and back from newcaslte

23rd December 2010, 06:46 PM
That looks awesome Piers, but I honestly would be scared of building it myself, with all the cables going everywhere and stuffs >.<

(EDIT - Looking through Overclockers, found a nice bundle actually + adding a Gfx Card)


Add on the "MSI GeForce GTX 460 Cyclone 1024MB GDDR5". All I'd need would be some nice guy to acquire me a nice copy of W7.
You can get Windows 7 for £38 with a student offer. Do not use an illegal OS on your only computer. Honestly for the sake of £40 it really isn't worth the hassle or risk. Apart from that I'll leave Mitch and Kiliv to the hardware, they seem to know the latest stuff much better than I do :).

Colonel Mitch
23rd December 2010, 06:47 PM
You can get Windows 7 for £38 with a student offer. Do not use an illegal OS on your only computer. Honestly for the sake of £40 it really isn't worth the hassle or risk. Apart from that I'll leave Mitch and Kiliv to the hardware, they seem to know the latest stuff much better than I do :).

Why not use an illegal OS? it comes up as fully validated and can update form windows etc. its your own call but theirs no issue with it.

23rd December 2010, 08:12 PM
Personally, I don't like the idea that the platform from which I do everything on my computer, play games, do university work, etc, to be illegal. It's something I use up to 10 hours daily, all year round, I don't see why you'd obtain it illegally when you can get a legal copy for so cheap, which is guaranteed to never stop working all of a sudden (for validation reasons, and yes I know somebody who this happened to) and never get me in trouble for any work I do while using it.

Colonel Mitch
23rd December 2010, 09:04 PM
Personally, I don't like the idea that the platform from which I do everything on my computer, play games, do university work, etc, to be illegal. It's something I use up to 10 hours daily, all year round, I don't see why you'd obtain it illegally when you can get a legal copy for so cheap, which is guaranteed to never stop working all of a sudden (for validation reasons, and yes I know somebody who this happened to) and never get me in trouble for any work I do while using it.

Thats strange since Microsoft system works by telling you its illegal, making you wait 5 seconds to login telling you to buy it and then letting you use it as normal, if its determined to be cracked.

Its personal preference really but if your on a budget and the price of the OS means the difference between a high end gpu and a mid range id definatley wait and get windows later.

23rd December 2010, 11:43 PM
I'd take you up on the offer Piers, I just don't know how much petrol would cost you. Depending on how much it is, depends on how long I wait. Could be 'till the end of January if petrol was a higher price.

Colonel Mitch
23rd December 2010, 11:59 PM
I'd take you up on the offer Piers, I just don't know how much petrol would cost you. Depending on how much it is, depends on how long I wait. Could be 'till the end of January if petrol was a higher price.

probably cost around £20 for the fuel

24th December 2010, 12:53 AM
also get a quad core atleast, black ops hates dual cores

Also Cal, with the w7 activator i used it even attached a certificate that i bought this from some certified seller lol, so illegalsmegal....

Colonel Mitch
24th December 2010, 01:29 AM
also get a quad core atleast, black ops hates dual cores

Also Cal, with the w7 activator i used it even attached a certificate that i bought this from some certified seller lol, so illegalsmegal....

dual coer i5 is hyperthreading, so 4 logical cores, generally for gaming you dont really need a quad, especially when you loose 0.4ghz stock speed and increase price

24th December 2010, 08:47 AM
yeah, but just saying, i had problems with black ops with my dual core, i just upgraded a few days ago, but i was stalking the steam forums on black ops for quite a while and almost everyone with a dualcore was crying...

24th December 2010, 11:04 AM
£20 for petrol is pretty good actually. I'll see how Christmas goes money wise and I'll decide in a few days wether I'm bothering or not. I have myself a W7 disc + Activator, but I don't know wether it's any good or not, since I've tried it on another computer and it installs 50 pre-set programs already (such as Microsoft Office and whatnot).

24th December 2010, 03:03 PM
Piers spec looks pretty solid tbh (I won't get into a PSU argument lol).

Also, be careful with the warez talk :).