View Full Version : My own song

3rd September 2011, 08:11 PM
Hey guys,

Well this is my 1st topic made (besides my introduction) so don't be TOO harsh on me =D
Anyways like I mentioned on my introduction earlier, I really love music and creating my own.
I play Electric and Bass guitar and own a Midi-Keyboard.
To get going on the topic, here's one of my own tunes which is an Electro-House tune.

Let me know what you guys think, and also if you have some feedback please tell me !!!

Though it's like really old, it got 'something nice' I think, I'm making a remix at the moment..
Possibly I'm sharing that later on ;)

Hope you guys like it!
- Danny

3rd September 2011, 09:16 PM
No dramatic bring in of the 2nd layer, just sort of appeared. The two were also very out of time with each other. Was quite bland and generic overall.

Not trying to be a dick, just giving my honest opinion, straight up.

3rd September 2011, 09:51 PM
It's okay man, I love a straight up answer since you can obviously learn from it.. Thanks =]

3rd September 2011, 10:18 PM
I liked it, the start was very generic but you have some nice parts in there, they just don't mesh that well together as Oric said. Few songs you could get inspiration from:





4th September 2011, 08:40 AM
I liked it, the start was very generic but you have some nice parts in there, they just don't mesh that well together as Oric said.

Thanks for the comment man, i knew the Skrillex and Andy Blueman song before.. Andy is one of my all-time-heroes.. find it hard to believe he quit the Trance scene though !

Did get some inspiration from it so that is worth a big thanks towards you ! Cheers <3

4th September 2011, 12:48 PM
Hey MaZe, The song is really good I personally thought, I don't see where the others are coming from that the parts didn't fit together, I think they definitely did but maybe you could have mixed certain parts a little more, the drop at 1.00 was perfect but then by about 2.22 there is too much going on, Try experimenting with the levels a bit and prioritising 1 sound to be heard? Because it's kind of confusing knowing what bit is supposed to be the main sound or what to really concentrate on haha, but yeah it's a cool song, what programme did you use to make it? and did you make the sounds yourself? They're pretty sweet

4th September 2011, 12:54 PM
Hey Joe, first of all thanks for the compliments and feedback man..
I really get the point you're trying to say and yes my main problem is that I can make a single 'lead tune' and once I add something it's too much.

I used my midi-keyboard and a program called Fruity Loops for this, most of the people hate the program but once you get to know it it's pretty aweeesome :p

The sounds are tweaked by myself that's correct =]

5th September 2011, 05:15 PM
whilst its not personally not my type of music, its still much better than most of the crap people in my class listen to :)

5th September 2011, 05:17 PM
whilst its not personally not my type of music, its still much better than most of the crap people in my class listen to :)

Haha I suppose I should take that as a compliment so thanks ! :D

5th September 2011, 06:01 PM
I quite liked it actually, but just think (like the others) that some bits seemed slightly messy. Just a bit of tidying up would fix that :).

Definitely thought the parts fit together though.

5th September 2011, 07:18 PM
I quite liked it actually, but just think (like the others) that some bits seemed slightly messy. Just a bit of tidying up would fix that :).

Definitely thought the parts fit together though.

Cheers man thanks <3

6th September 2011, 07:54 PM
I don't normally listen to this type of music but it's ok actually :)
I see what some people say about to much happening at once in certain parts but overall i like it :P

Something you could have done in the riff between 1 and 2 mins could have been to either add the same riff at a higher pitch echoing the lower bass line or possibly reversing the riff backwards and played it into the background, i'm not sure how well it would blend together but it would add a different element to the song.

7th September 2011, 10:56 AM
I don't normally listen to this type of music but it's ok actually :)
I see what some people say about to much happening at once in certain parts but overall i like it :P

Something you could have done in the riff between 1 and 2 mins could have been to either add the same riff at a higher pitch echoing the lower bass line or possibly reversing the riff backwards and played it into the background, i'm not sure how well it would blend together but it would add a different element to the song.

Thanks for the ideas man, much appreciated <3

7th September 2011, 10:15 PM
thats well good ^^ never actually got how to use fruity loops for more than drum loops :/

8th September 2011, 09:25 AM
thats well good ^^ never actually got how to use fruity loops for more than drum loops :/
haha well you gotta start somewhere right? ;)

8th September 2011, 04:30 PM
mhm true ^^ i prefer using cubase i find it way easier :D