View Full Version : Windows 8

22nd October 2011, 04:40 PM
I've installed Windows 8 on a separate partition on my desktop so I can develop a Metro App (like an iPod app) that would be bought from Microsoft's new 'App Store' that's supposedly coming with Windows 8. I'm not sure on this myself considering the horrendous job Microsoft have done with GFWL, but the actual app (an RTS game) we're developing is the main part of the project, it being part of the app store is just so we can show off our use of the latest software.

Anyway, I'll get some screenshots up a bit later (maybe), the biggest change is that the start menu has gone, and is replaced by the Metro interface (basically a grid of large icons designed for touch pads). It shouldn't be a surprise that I am not in favour of this, there's a transition of about 1 second before it takes over your entire screen. It's just clunky and takes longer to open up what you want to.

Once you're on the metro interface, you have to click the desktop button to go back to the desktop, again there's a ~1 second visual transition back to the desktop. Each application you install automatically gets its own icon on the right side of the tablet interface, and I see no other way to access your applications than loading them from this interface (you can put them in quick launch though), meaning if you have a lot of apps that's a lot of scrolling to find the right one.

Obviously it's a long way from release but so far I see nothing that improves over Windows 7.

23rd October 2011, 09:40 AM
Can you turn that menu off?

23rd October 2011, 12:42 PM
Oric: http://hypertext.azrul.com/2011/09/14/windows-8-disable-metro-ui/

Just tested this and yes, you can. Doing that ^ will give you the same start menu you get on windows 7

I think i just found a bug :(

I can't make that fucking timestrip disappear... But other than that, after finding out you can disable metro I sorta like windows 8 just because the square UI is nice looking imo than windows 7

Vicious Horizon
23rd October 2011, 01:52 PM
That's no bug. That's definitely a feature xD

23rd October 2011, 02:35 PM
Yeah the square UI does look nicer, but you can get that by using a Windows 7 style. There doesn't seem to be much else that Windows 8 does apart from the whole Metro thing.

24th October 2011, 11:25 AM
Oric: http://hypertext.azrul.com/2011/09/14/windows-8-disable-metro-ui/

Cheers for that. Haven't got the beta and probs won't upgrade unless nessecery, but nice to know I don't have to deal with that shit-grid if I did.

24th October 2011, 12:07 PM
It will most probably be an actual option once it's released. It's a registry hack now because 1) they haven't implemented the option yet 2) they want developers to use the Metro interface and not revert back.

24th October 2011, 02:25 PM
Im hoping and assuming that there is quite a bit of customization on the desktop and the Metro interface. To me, the videos i have seen of it look like the nyan cat ate fruity pebbles then puked them up on my desktop about an hour later. I honestly do not have high hopes for Windows 8. Recently it seems like everytime Windows takes a step in the right direction, they promptly poop all over those efforts. Hopefully im wrong and windows 8 is a great OS.

25th October 2011, 06:35 PM
Wasn't the developer release of Windows 8 the tablet version anyway?

Vicious Horizon
25th October 2011, 07:30 PM
Wasn't the developer release of Windows 8 the tablet version anyway?

Windows 8 is being made with tablets in mind, I don't think there's gonna be a difference between the tablet and desktop versions =/

26th October 2011, 10:10 AM
Wasn't the developer release of Windows 8 the tablet version anyway?

nope it was for desktops as well