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26th October 2011, 12:20 PM
Well i at least hope all you guys got on BF3 on the 25th. Its as simple as validating over a US VPN service. I know i did. You do not need a VPN to run it, just to validate. Anyways, i need more people to play BF3 with. The majority of the people i work with and friends i have close to me, play on console. So feel free to add Ohgr33 to your friends list in BF3. Im not the best player in the world but i generally hold my own quite well. Sometimes i blow peoples minds and rape everybody.


27th October 2011, 04:32 PM
Added you (as Ph4ntom4, need to change that). Pleased that my GTX560Ti can run it on all Ultra except deferred AA (shader AA removes most jaggies anyway).

31st October 2011, 12:54 PM
I love this game :D. Shame I literally have the minimum spec gfx card for it though (Nvidia 8800GTS 512MB) - only really runs smoothly with everything either off or low. Kinda takes away from the fact that the game is meant to look epic.

Either way, how are you lot finding the gameplay? I'm happy they kept a lot of the original BF2 gameplay elements, and was so happy to find myself on an aircraft carrier again :). Also really liking the new spawning system, so you spawn directly into vehicles rather than jumping around waiting for a jet.

Would also be interested to hear what graphics cards you lot are rocking and how they perform, so I know what to go and buy. Not entirely sure my 650W PSU could cope with something more powerful though, or have the cards got a whole lot more efficient these days?

31st October 2011, 12:54 PM
I love this game :D. Shame I literally have the minimum spec gfx card for it though (Nvidia 8800GTS 512MB) - only really runs smoothly with everything either off or low. Kinda takes away from the fact that the game is meant to look epic.

Either way, how are you lot finding the gameplay? I'm happy they kept a lot of the original BF2 gameplay elements, and was so happy to find myself on an aircraft carrier again :). Also really liking the new spawning system, so you spawn directly into vehicles rather than jumping around waiting for a jet.

Would also be interested to hear what graphics cards you lot are rocking and how they perform, so I know what to go and buy. Not entirely sure my 650W PSU could cope with something more powerful though, or have the cards got a whole lot more efficient these days?

31st October 2011, 01:43 PM
honestly, i have a GTX 560ti that came overclocked and my 650W power supply handles it just fine. I have absolutely no complaints about BF3. I think its balanced well, minimal lag, no glitches, (that i have encountered anyways), the graphics and sounds are amazing. Ive been playing the hell out of it. I got like 20 hours of gameplay in at lvl 20.

31st October 2011, 03:12 PM
Surprised your card even runs it smoothly Chalex, my GTX280 struggled with everything on low, got around ~40 FPS. My new GTX560Ti can run almost everything ultra at 50-60 FPS.

Your PSU will be fine, I have a 520W one and it copes fine with my overclocked i7 and overclocked 560Ti. Cards are no more power hungry than they were a few years ago, if anything they are more efficient.

Only negative thing I have to say about BF3 is the rubber banding I get on 64 player servers (the only servers I play on). If you don't know what that means, it's when you're moving and suddenly get pulled back to where you were half a second ago, because the server dropped packets or something. Seems to be because server providers are underestimating the amount of bandwidth the game needs.

There are a few maps which are not so good (the bridge one and Metro, though you can still get a lot of points there by reviving everyone on the chokes), but the rural maps are awesome. I don't seem to be having as much trouble with air as I remember I had in BF2, I've never been killed by a jet as infantry, and choppers only a few times. I've never tried flying either, usually leave that to people who know what they're doing, I prefer going as infantry, flanking behind enemy points and being a stealthy mofo.

Singleplayer is pretty dreadful. It looks great of-course but it's full of quick time events and waiting for people to open doors for you. I might come to finish it at some point but most likely it will end up like the BC2 campaign, playing the first mission then never playing it again.

1st November 2011, 04:56 PM
My copy got delivered today, will be able to play at the weekend when I go home and bring my PC back with me, yeah I know I'm that sad. After that I won't be able to play until the 11th, when I get Internet in my house.

6th November 2011, 12:27 PM
Thanks for the advice guys! I get slight rubber banding on 64 players too, but I'm sure they'll sort that out for everyone soon enough.

My card handles the game quite well, surprising as you say :). Not really any slowdowns either, but the GTX560Ti sounds like a pretty good investment. Just trying to decide whether the GTX570 is worth the extra money, as I don't want something that's about to go out of date really.

Also, join the ATK platoon here! http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241045095206/. Here's something extra to LOL at:


6th November 2011, 01:22 PM
Thanks for the advice guys! I get slight rubber banding on 64 players too, but I'm sure they'll sort that out for everyone soon enough.

My card handles the game quite well, surprising as you say :). Not really any slowdowns either, but the GTX560Ti sounds like a pretty good investment. Just trying to decide whether the GTX570 is worth the extra money, as I don't want something that's about to go out of date really.

Also, join the ATK platoon here! http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241045095206/. Here's something extra to LOL at:


Hahaha "This game's like a 1000 piece puzzle but every piece is MY DICK IN YOUR BALLS."

And it would be good Chalex to actually accept us into the platoon if you're going to advertise it :p

Vicious Horizon
6th November 2011, 03:05 PM
Chalex I have the 570, and I *think* Calneon has the 560Ti, once I get Battlefield 3 (soon!) I'm sure we can compare the cards so you can make up your mind :P

6th November 2011, 08:58 PM
i got 570 gainward :)

6th November 2011, 11:22 PM
Nice! Can you run everything on ultra at 1920x1200 and high AA with no slowdowns?

8th November 2011, 03:10 PM
There are two types of AA, the first one which I can't remember the name of, causes a massive performance hit, even on 2xAA, so I keep it off. Thankfully, post-AA removes the vast majority of jaggies and doesn't cost much in terms of performance. I run everything else on ultra apart from textures because I get some stuttering with ultra textures (probably because my card only has 1GB of memory). Average FPS is about 55, can go down to 45 in large outdoor areas but is always over 60 in the smaller maps and inside. GTX560Ti OCed to 980Mhz.

9th December 2011, 01:28 PM

Ok, so i posted a vid link for you guys and it turns out its blocked in most countries because the music i used is owned by WMG. I guess im done being lazy and using other peoples music. Im going to create all my own. I already have quite a few packs of sound fx and music loops, samples...ect. I also just got a BADASS kit designed by the drummer from Nine Inch Nails. Im really excited to use it, its got the same dirty gritty sound to it as the intros and outros of the official BF3 videos. Shits gonna be sick. Its royalty free so i can mix my own badass shit and not worry about copyright infrigement.

Also, I dont really see many of you guys online playing, and i play quite a bit. Id like to get together and chill with any and everyone. Im always looking for good players with cheeky banter to be guests in youtube videos. I am currently trying to become more active on Youtube, get my name out there and even recruit for the ATK community. Id like to do a promo vid for ATK, if any of the leadership wants to help me out or get in on it... let me know. Hope to play with you guys soon!

9th December 2011, 03:23 PM
Also, I dont really see many of you guys online playing...

We're all usually on TeamSpeak so come on and chat to us :D

Vicious Horizon
9th December 2011, 04:24 PM
He means BF3, Oric :)

Chaz and his uni mate (I think) are normally on BF3, I'll eventually get around to playing it more often once I've got a load of stuff out of the way.

9th December 2011, 04:44 PM
Hey Ohgr33, nice vid! Great to have someone else who likes creating stuff like this!
I embedded it in your post for you :). Out of interest, did you make the fire text at the start?

Would love to get some proper ATK frag videos done, so feel free to ask around and I'm sure loads of members will want to get involved! Promo videos and you creating the soundtrack also sounds awesome :D.

9th December 2011, 05:10 PM
He means BF3, Oric :)

Chaz and his uni mate (I think) are normally on BF3, I'll eventually get around to playing it more often once I've got a load of stuff out of the way.

Lol neither of the two people I regularly play BF3 are uni friends :p

And yeah once we get our server up and running we should defo make some stunts videos or something.

9th December 2011, 05:18 PM
He means BF3, Isphera :)

Chaz and his uni mate (I think) are normally on BF3, I'll eventually get around to playing it more often once I've got a load of stuff out of the way.

But if he came on ts and asked if anyone wanted in, then more would play surely :p Not everyone leaves Origin on unless they need it.

8th January 2012, 01:19 AM
um yo, im about to buy bf3

any of you guys worried about this?

imagine if adobe/autodesk/EA/Microsoft/ finds out how much of their shit i stole, never mind the movies/music, its nearly up to the £10k mark

8th January 2012, 01:31 AM
um yo, im about to buy bf3

any of you guys worried about this?

imagine if adobe/autodesk/EA/Microsoft/ finds out how much of their shit i stole, never mind the movies/music, its nearly up to the £10k mark
Basically everybody who plays the game is in the same situation. I wouldn't worry about it, but I definitely wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't want to give those scumbags money.

8th January 2012, 01:38 AM
Would be playing BF3 but my PC is being a massive faggot and is getting re-formatted soon

8th January 2012, 09:57 AM
Honestly im not worried about the info origin collects. I am also a pirate of the digital seas, but dont have anything from EA. In any case, hopefully well see you on the Battlefield soon. I am still highly addicted to BF3. When i get a good squad i can communicate with, we almost always turn the tide of the battle.

8th January 2012, 10:37 AM
We're all usually on TeamSpeak so come on and chat to us :D

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

8th January 2012, 01:00 PM
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

i know dude :/ i've been away from a computer the whole christmas break, im back now though, i should be on :D

8th January 2012, 01:45 PM
No worries bro. I mainly quoted what I said before for Oghr as, like I said previously, people do play BF3, but you normally have to come on TS and say that your gonna play and invite people to play in a group because people won't usually have Origin left on unless they are playing SWTOR with it on or go on it to just play by themselves. Most will leave current game and come on BF3 if prodded :D

The SpoonElite
21st August 2013, 01:06 PM
Howdy guys, I'm new to the community and want to get involved, recently bought BF3 in the origin bundle and loving it. Sent a request to your platoon. Never used to TS before but i'll give it a go! :)

11th January 2014, 07:44 AM
I haven't played this game. Is the game play any good. I think i could play it out right. Gonna have to borrow from one of my friend.