View Full Version : 2012 DWPS?

25th November 2011, 01:16 PM
Like Christmas, each year the DWPS occurs the first mention of it gets ever closer.

Much like the last two years, I am looking to run the DWPS (or Desirable Women Poll Series) on ATK starting at the beginning of January. Whilst Chalex has broken the code for spreadsheets to show on the forum (hint), reviews of the previous two can be seen HERE (http://www.atkcommunity.com/showthread.php/2302-The-2010-Official-ATK-Desirable-Woman-Poll-Series-Review) and HERE (http://www.atkcommunity.com/showthread.php/2751-2011-DWPS-Open-Discussion-and-Review-Thread).

For those who CBA to see the whole thread, the main idea of the DWPS is your bog standard babe poll - you nominate a certain number of individuals who will then be placed in brackets to be polled against each other, with those losing being knocked out until there is only one true winner remaining. Any gal in the world can be nominated, provided there are several good-quality images freely available on the interwebs or sent to me via PM. Obviously, stupid nominations (such as peoples mothers, sisters etc.) will naturally be ignored.

Previous top four finishers include Amber Heard (http://images.askmen.com/photos/amber-heard/amber-heard-89913.jpg) (2011 Winner), Sienna Miller (http://www.topnews.in/files/sienna_miller.jpg), Odette Yustman (http://cdn2.maxim.com/maxim/files/2010/03/22/odette-yustman/odette-yustman_l1a.jpg), Susan Coffey (http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/susan-coffey-3.jpg?w=500&h=749), Evangeline Lilly (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7gXrrbBIji8/Tg1t6ACYREI/AAAAAAAAB4Q/ly7QNqHTqtM/s1600/evangelinelilly.jpg) (2010 Winner), Eve "MegaJugs" Wyrwal (http://www.stud-center.com/wallpaper/eve-wyrwal/eve-wyrwal-8616.jpg), Kaley Cuoco (http://gossip.whyfame.com/files/2010/02/kaley_cuoco.jpg) and Summer Glau (http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/oyudojxviajl2npyl8s6.jpg). Can one of these repeat their success or will a newcomer enter and take it the distance?

That assumes of course that enough people want to do it. Simple poll, yes or no, post giving reasons why (dunno why I ask, it'll turn into a flame war in the end)

25th November 2011, 03:03 PM
Aw man I voted no by mistake sorry I meant yes :)

25th November 2011, 03:10 PM
This is why you double check before you press yes :D Changed.

Oh, and just to keep it clear, don't start posting nominations yet (although one of mine is obvious....)

26th November 2011, 12:53 PM
6 votes so far, all very positive - would love to see what everyone else thinks.

26th November 2011, 04:50 PM
Marshy is cringing at this right now so I voted yes :D

26th November 2011, 08:04 PM
OK, I'll likely get one done, I'll change it a little bit this year so it doesn't take a month and a half to do, might limit it to just two nominations per person this time. Likely start taking them in a week or so, but keep voting!

29th November 2011, 09:15 PM

30th November 2011, 12:02 PM
WTF are you on about?

30th November 2011, 11:54 PM
Im not going to comment on this because I don't understand it....


3rd December 2011, 02:50 PM
yes you have to do this as porn is blocked in my student house

3rd December 2011, 03:21 PM
Poor you Fred. Nominations are up so feel free to head over there and get choosing!