View Full Version : Ickle Problemo :s

23rd December 2011, 02:22 AM
Basically theres some random problem with power in my pc, or I think thats what it is :s Gfx card likes to black out now and again when doing something stressful and my hard drive cut out before when i was trying to download bf3 to it at like 600kbs... its 600watt psu, 3.2ghz amd quad core, 560ti...any suggestions? like could it be mobo prob or is it just psu or anyone had anything similar?

also since getting new gfx card dont seem to have had a massive increase in fps... like its more stable and can run on higher settings now but still doing dodgy shit

23rd December 2011, 01:29 PM
Is that AMD overclocked? Perhaps you should try setting everything back to stock. Also, were you using an Nvidia card before? If not, there could be a problem with switching. I believe there are some tools out there on the web to "clean" your old drivers out.

Other than that, make sure you've plugged in both PCI-E power cables into the GFX card :p.

23rd December 2011, 02:47 PM
Also check the fans on your CPU/GPU if they over heat it can cause the system to misbehave

23rd December 2011, 03:05 PM
yeh was thinking it could be cpu, will give it a clean me thinks

23rd December 2011, 09:15 PM
Update - Was play BF3 and could smell burning (like when you play scalletrix too long) then pc just powered off, booted back up after 2mins, when I spammed de button, thinking psu

23rd December 2011, 09:37 PM
Update - Was play BF3 and could smell burning (like when you play scalletrix too long) then pc just powered off, booted back up after 2mins, when I spammed de button, thinking psu

Try an air duster on the psu?

23rd December 2011, 11:14 PM
Just tried to play some multiplayer BF3 with chaz, put everything on low, but had same problem, everything got really hot, gfx card and processor, then power cut out, prob from over heating, had only been playing 5mins :s

23rd December 2011, 11:36 PM
Sounds very much like a PSU problem. I get the same 'GPU blacking out' when I overclock my 560Ti too much and then run Furmark or something. Mine is a Corsair 520W, so it makes sense that overclocking too much would put it past the capacity, 600W should be fine but it's probably a shitty PSU (like Mitch tells everyone to buy), and it's crapped out. Replace ASAP before it damages something.

Colonel Mitch
24th December 2011, 04:26 AM
Sounds very much like a PSU problem. I get the same 'GPU blacking out' when I overclock my 560Ti too much and then run Furmark or something. Mine is a Corsair 520W, so it makes sense that overclocking too much would put it past the capacity, 600W should be fine but it's probably a shitty PSU (like Mitch tells everyone to buy), and it's crapped out. Replace ASAP before it damages something.

I didnt tell chris to get the one he has it was put in by a computer shop :P

You new GPU wont b overheating, CPU could be but it does sound like your out of power

Colonel Mitch
25th December 2011, 10:33 PM
Just looked at chrises pc and lololol :P

It is the PSU thats gone but when itook it out it was like a cardboard box xD Felt liek it was empty.

As you know I dont often recommend well branded PSUs, but i also dont reccoment geting teh ones that are literally the cheapest around.

After a bit of searching we found that his PSU was worth 20 quid and had 2 12v rails, 16 and 18 amps, which only works out to 408w on the 12 rails.

Weve looked and ive reccomended this :


It has a total 12v output of 672w and will be more than enough.

26th December 2011, 01:52 AM

26th December 2011, 05:39 PM
Just looked at chrises pc and lololol :P

It is the PSU thats gone but when itook it out it was like a cardboard box xD Felt liek it was empty.

As you know I dont often recommend well branded PSUs, but i also dont reccoment geting teh ones that are literally the cheapest around.

After a bit of searching we found that his PSU was worth 20 quid and had 2 12v rails, 16 and 18 amps, which only works out to 408w on the 12 rails.

Weve looked and ive reccomended this :


It has a total 12v output of 672w and will be more than enough.

Lol might get the same one then, just had my pc diagnosed as the PSU being fried.

Colonel Mitch
26th December 2011, 08:00 PM
Lol might get the same one then, just had my pc diagnosed as the PSU being fried.

Up to you but i know alot of people will rage about it not being over 70 quid :P

What PSU did you have?

26th December 2011, 09:38 PM
Corsair TX650 I believe.