View Full Version : Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Montage by 360 Degrees

11th March 2012, 08:58 AM

First attempt :D

Feedback please?

11th March 2012, 11:15 AM
Putting my hatred of CoD aside, I'm gonna try and give you some feedback.

1. The intro was way too long, it was almost a minute before we saw any actual kills.
2. Dubstep, really?
3. Was this shot from clan matches and tournaments? I only watched the first 3 minutes or so until I got bored, none of the kills were interesting or showed a particularly great amount of skill, most of them were 2-3 kill streaks (very common in a cod game), mostly you killing people from behind.
4. Stop using slow motion on every kill you make.

It's great you're interesting in making gaming videos, but making CoD videos is probably the worst thing you could have done, there are so so many out there already and yours doesn't seem to have anything special, sorry.

11th March 2012, 12:53 PM
Weclome to the community bro! I think all the comments I was gonna say Cal has covered quite nicely, keep at it though!

11th March 2012, 01:26 PM
If the intro was half the length it would have been pretty badass. Otherwise the rest of the video isn't too bad, other than the fact that a lot of people you killed were just being utter noobs.

11th March 2012, 01:56 PM
Well yea, since its just my first attempt in editing...thats why i asked for feed back...
And whats wrong with Dubstep?
This montage was just a basic gameplay montage
And about the slowmotions, ok, i'll try to improvise with something next time....

anything else?

11th March 2012, 01:57 PM
If the intro was half the length it would have been pretty badass. Otherwise the rest of the video isn't too bad, other than the fact that a lot of people you killed were just being utter noobs.
Well yeah, good players are hard to find nowadays in MW3...these last 3 weeks all we got were hackers and campers, and some tubers and launchers....it kinda pissed me off

11th March 2012, 02:13 PM
And whats wrong with Dubstep?

Well music is always a matter of opinion with these sort of videos, I like some Dubstep and thought the music actually worked well with this video, you managed to get it synced pretty well with some of the kills.

11th March 2012, 02:43 PM
Putting my hatred of CoD aside, I'm gonna try and give you some feedback.

1. The intro was way too long, it was almost a minute before we saw any actual kills.
2. Dubstep, really?
3. Was this shot from clan matches and tournaments? I only watched the first 3 minutes or so until I got bored, none of the kills were interesting or showed a particularly great amount of skill, most of them were 2-3 kill streaks (very common in a cod game), mostly you killing people from behind.
4. Stop using slow motion on every kill you make.

It's great you're interesting in making gaming videos, but making CoD videos is probably the worst thing you could have done, there are so so many out there already and yours doesn't seem to have anything special, sorry.

Good guy calneon - isn't scumbag steve

11th March 2012, 03:17 PM
There's nothing wrong with dubstep aslong as your not one of the people who puts dubstep as their middle name on facebook or makes statuses like "WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB"

11th March 2012, 03:18 PM
Distinctly average, enjoyed the music though

11th March 2012, 03:45 PM
It's great you're interesting in making gaming videos, but making CoD videos is probably the worst thing you could have done, there are so so many out there already and yours doesn't seem to have anything special, sorry.

What games for example?
My idea of it was, allot of people still are interested in MW3 so i thought it'd be a good idea to start there....

11th March 2012, 04:40 PM
What do you want out of making videos? If you want to become popular, making videos with pure gameplay is not going to get you anywhere (unless you were insanely good). You need to add something else, commentary, strategy tips, etc. If you're making videos for your own satisfaction, maybe to improve your editing skills, of course it doesn't matter what you do.

CoD is a bad game to do because there are SO SO SO SO SO MANY people making awful videos already, you're not going to get noticed unless you do something very different.

Take a look at this guy's BF3 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/birgirpall). They're very popular because he kills people in unconventional and funny ways, and has funny captions. Maybe this is a direction you could go?


11th March 2012, 04:49 PM
For someone to look to, look at Clayman90/rechyyy - he covers all the big FPS's, has the skill to make some videos interesting, and when he creates compilations, it is so well edited, they are spectaular, engaging and fun to watch.

Channel: HERE (http://www.youtube.com/user/clayman90)


11th March 2012, 06:08 PM
Cal, that birgirpall guy is freaking hilarious. First time I've seen that stuff, and it's awesome. Have missed those types of vids.

11th March 2012, 07:03 PM
Cal, that birgirpall guy is freaking hilarious. First time I've seen that stuff, and it's awesome. Have missed those types of vids.
Yeah, watch through all the videos he's made, they're all great.

11th March 2012, 07:27 PM
Yeah, watch through all the videos he's made, they're all great.

Operation Hammertime is awesome.

11th March 2012, 07:42 PM
ok, im gonna try something new =]

11th March 2012, 07:45 PM
Birgirpall's videos are amazing but every time I watch them he's already gone and done an idea I had...

12th March 2012, 02:15 AM
For someone to look to, look at Clayman90/rechyyy - he covers all the big FPS's, has the skill to make some videos interesting, and when he creates compilations, it is so well edited, they are spectaular, engaging and fun to watch.

Channel: HERE (http://www.youtube.com/user/clayman90)

Still the best kill video i've ever seen. Absolutely amazing.

Colonel Mitch
12th March 2012, 03:06 PM
That video was pretty awesome

12th March 2012, 07:31 PM
so lets say i grab a montage like this


its watched basically cuz of the editing right?

12th March 2012, 09:17 PM
To an extent. Top quality videos will obviously have a lot of polish and presentation, but the quality of the video will also come from the skill used in the kills, the music selection, length, pace etc. If anything, music is one of the more key elements. Whilst dubstep/electronic is great in some cases, often it's associated (IMO) with 14-year olds going "OMG look at me leet kill snipe this guy, what a bad man", much on the same level as Bodies Hit The Floor. If it's chosen well, it'll compliment the video and go well with the desired pace.

EDIT - Rewatching yours, you couldn't hear weapons or anything from in-game. I don't know if it's just me, but it really bugs me when you can't hear in-game sound. If squeakers are speaking all over the track, then mute it, but IMO you should have the in-game sound there as well. Of course, music isn't nessecery, depends on what you do with the video.

12th March 2012, 10:04 PM
so lets say i grab a montage like this


its watched basically cuz of the editing right?
Oh god that video was dreadful. Intro was even longer than yours, editing was WAY WAY WAY overdone, didn't show a whole lot of skill. Stopped watching at 3 minutes.

Colonel Mitch
12th March 2012, 10:25 PM
Lol that one was terrible.