View Full Version : The "ATK Money pot"

20th March 2012, 08:19 PM
Just curious as to whether there could be some more input towards the community financially from the management team.

By this I really want to avoid sounding like "OMG WE GET ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL" but if there is money coming in to ATK from ads, then it would be cool to maybe every so often have prizes given out? I don't really know how it would work but then maybe something else like a budget on what we have and we give suggestions on things we'd like as a community to help promote ourselves, like putting towards t-shirts for LAN, even if not the full amount, like £5 towards a top could be really helpful for some people

Also when new games come out this year, notably CS:GO, it would be awesome to get 1 or 2 servers that can be up and running for release which would basically guarantee that they would be full ~100% of the time and if we had a couple of active admins to make sure that the servers could be fixed if anything went wrong then people would mose likely be happy to sign up on the community to get to play on the servers if we offered something like active members have a guaranteed spot when they come on-line, and hopefully, get another team started.

21st March 2012, 02:14 AM
Mitch knows all the details now, so he can comment if he likes.

Basically though, of course this is fine. Currently ATK has enough money to operate comfortably and take a few risks, but not enough cash flow to make regular payouts to everyone. If that ever becomes an option, we'll definitely do something to return the favour to the members of the community that have helped.

Obviously now everything I say is very speculative, but in no world would I or anyone in the leadership team take everything for themselves alone. I'd love give out big monthly prizes, free merchandise, free tickets to LANs (for teams) and great benefits to those members that want to contribute financially too. If we ever became a huge organisation, I think it'd be very wise to consider becoming a limited company, and if that happened, pay packets would be assigned accordingly :).

Colonel Mitch
21st March 2012, 02:35 AM
The chalex pc fund is now officially over xD

Actually all of atk's money is in its own account and I am aware of how much revenue we have coming in and going out.

Right now we need to see whats happening with the servers before we decide anything but its going to be dedicated server or team prizes it looks right now as we cant have the expenditure for both until we get more income, which could be generated for doing either of these things.

21st March 2012, 01:56 PM
free merchandise, free tickets to LANs (for teams)

If we/they can help bring in extra money some how that would be another awesome idea :)

Vicious Horizon
21st March 2012, 02:20 PM
Haha free team tickets for LANs is a bit much ain't it?

Unless I'm grossly underestimating just how much money ATK has..

Colonel Mitch
21st March 2012, 02:28 PM
Haha free team tickets for LANs is a bit much ain't it?

Unless I'm grossly underestimating just how much money ATK has..

Right now it is but in the future it might not be.