View Full Version : Make easy gold in WoW

13th April 2012, 07:09 PM

A few things - all credit for this strategy goes to Kermit. However, since he's not really around any more, and people are always asking how it works, I'm gonna to write it out here.

Also this can be used for one of the ATK content posts too once the forums get set up for them, so if you want it there feel free to move it!

ALL prices are what I am used to on MY realm and faction, prices will obviously vary somewhat, also depending on what is popular.

I have found the trend with this strategy seems to be, the more you spend on ore, then the more profit you will make.

Yes, there is a TL;DR at the end :)

Anyway, here's what you will need!

500 Jewelcrafting
500 Enchanting

You can also choose to have a character with 525 alchemy, although that is optional.

Starting up:


This is me buying what you will need, elementium ore! Typically I will pay no more than 55g for a stack of 20, and on a good day can pick up stacks of 20 for 35-40g.

Pay attention to this characters gold throughout the guide, at the beginning it has 31,929g.


This is after I bought around 180 stacks of elementium ore. You can now see that I have gone down to 21,487g, or in other words, I have spent 10,442g.


The day after I had bought all of the cheap stacks, a load more were put up on the AH, so I decided to buy about another 180~ stacks. As you can see, now I only have 10,013g, and have now spent 21,916g.



When you have that much ore, be prepared for how much space it is going to take up, in this case it took up my entire bank, and every bag space also, So I had to leave some in the mail!


Prospect ALL of the ore! This will take you quite a bit of time ( 20-30 mins~ of constant clicking ). So to speed up time, time /macro, choose new, and type in this:

#showtooltip Prospecting
/cast Prospecting
/use Elementium Ore

You can then just drag the macro to one of your hotbars, and spam click it to prospect all of the ore.

After the ore is prospected, you are 1/4 done :D

The next part!

You will need to make the following items with your normal gems. Save the rare ones until later!

Jasper - Make into Jasper rings
Nightstone - Make into Nightstone chokers
Hessonite - Make into Hessonite bands
Alicite - Make into Alicite pendants
Vendor all Zehpyrite's
[**OPTIONAL**] - If you have a character with 525 Alchemy, then keep all of your carnelian's. If you chose not to use alchemy, then make all of them into Carnelian spikes.


After you have made all of the items, you are 2/4 done! :D

Almost done!
The next part is dis-enchanting!

Yes, you have to dis-enchant ALL of the items, in my case it was around 7-800, so as you can imagine, this part takes a while just like the prospecting.

However, just like the prospecting, there is a macro you can use to speed this part up, and it is:

#showtooltip Disenchant
/cast Disenchant
/use item:52312
/use item:52307
/use item:52308
/use item:52316
/use item:52306
/use item:52310
/use item:52309
/use item:52314
/use item:52492b

Just spam click that until everything is dis-enchanted, then hopefully your bank / bags will look something like this,


You are now 3/4 done!

Now, for the OPTIONAL part of the guide. Alchemy!

Basically, all you need to do, is transmute carnelians into inferno rubies.


Each transmute uses 3 carnelians, and 3 heartblossom.
Heartblossom usually sells for around 75g a stack, or you can farm it yourself in Deepholm.


This is my inventory after I had transmuted most of my carnelians, I didn't have quite enough heartblossom from farming it for around 30 minutes, so I bought the last couple of stacks.

You are now finished as far as getting the materials is concerned! But you still need to sell it all and get your profit!

Note: if you choose not to use this part of the guide, you make the carnelian's into carnelian spikes, then dis-enchant them and sell the mats

Ok! Time to sell everything.

This part, as you might imagine, is the simplest of all. You literally sell every enchanting mat you have for 1copper less than it is currently on for (this is known as undercutting)

So for example, if hypnotic dust is up for 2g per dust, you would sell it for 1gold 99silver 99copper per dust.

Then you do the same for all of the gems you have left ( the rare ones you saved from earlier) EXCEPT FOR INFERNO RUBIES!!

With your Inferno rubies you need to see which cut red gems are selling for the most, so you can make more profit!


You can see here, that I chose to make them in to Brilliant inferno rubies, and Bold inferno rubies. Also, Delicate inferno rubies usually sell for quite a bit, basically you just want to get about 180-200g per gem, and on a really good day can sometimes get around 250g!

Anyway, the entire point of this guide, the profit!

Remember I started with 31,929g and ended up with 10,013g?

Get used to seeing your mailbox looking like this ^ !

Well as you can see here, everything has now sold, and I am now sitting on a nice sum of 57,935g and 82,728g overall on my alliance characters! So basically, I spent 21,916g and ended up making a profit of 26,006g! And it only took 4 hours max, spread out over 1 week :D!

So anyway, I hope this helps you and you can use it to make a load of gold for yourselves!


Buy loads of cheap elementium ore.

Prospect it all

Make the gems into jewellery

Dis-enchant all of the jewellery

Sell the dis-enchanting mats and rare gems

Cut inferno rubies into valuable gems



Joe :D

13th April 2012, 08:03 PM
Great guide bro like the lay out and screen shots, really easy to follow.

14th April 2012, 01:13 AM
Really nice guide Joe, definitely something that could be made into an ATK article in the future (though it might not be as useful then). I'd imagine that buying so many ores and selling so many gems though would increase the price of ores and decrease the price of gems until you're not making a profit anymore.

14th April 2012, 04:13 PM
Surprisingly it doesn't, I imagine that's because there's always a demand for gems, and seeing as there's so many people that sell ore they're always trying to undercut each other so theirs will sell which kind of works out really nicely for making gold :D

As far as being useful in the future, this guide should continue to be relevant during every expansion blizzard releases unless there is a major change in how professions work, although you may have to wait a couple of weeks/months after expo releases for the economy to stabilise a bit!

14th April 2012, 07:27 PM
Probably even more profitable earlier on in the expansion when items are rarer, how ever you may need to go farm the mats yourself :P

Colonel Mitch
15th April 2012, 01:28 PM
http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/dc944a7a53f4addf4dc8908399233580/46183%20-%20animated%20did_not_read_lol%20gif%20image_macro %20lol_didnt_read%20meme%20rainbow_dash%20tl%3Bdr. gif