View Full Version : Black Ops 2

5th May 2012, 02:41 AM
Don't know if anyone was aware of this but just seen it on steam that Black Ops 2 will be released later this year.

Trailer is here http://store.steampowered.com/app/202970/

After watching this, it looks pretty shocking and the story line is pretty retarded considering where Black Ops 1 ended. I actually didn't believe this was a real game until I saw it on the steam store, still looks like a troll.

Pretty sure I won't be buying this as Black Ops 1 was optimized so poorly and Activision killed CoD after CoD4.

I hate the fact they took CoD2 that was easily as good as cs and have made it into such a money grabbing franchise, that is now a really bad game. When you look at how CS has gone from 1.6 to Source and CS:GO which looks awesome and actually has some thought put into the game and not how best to make money from it, because they understand a great game makes money itself.

Doesn't even look like its worth downloading for the single player as that storyline is utter rubbish.


TL;DR CoD and Activision are shit and I hope they all burn.

Colonel Mitch
5th May 2012, 04:00 AM
Havent had more than a quick skim online, but I'm expecting it to be cod4 for the 15th time, at a price of £39.99 with each map pack being £15, with no difference to any of the previous games.

Have started playing MW2 again occasionally as I still find that fun to jump in and play for ease.

8th May 2012, 11:23 AM
Thank God!! Someone is on the same thought as me?! Online, everyone is freaking out over this?! Wha?! Activision literally did this....

"Okay guys, it's pretty obvious now we've been making the same game for 3-4 years, the people are catching on to us...something needs to change. Lets add robots."

As if that'll make any difference to the gameplay?! I'm sorry, all it looks like & what I'm expecting is there to be different weapons & different loadout / killstreak options. There just going to have the same engine, same gameplay mechanics & slap a future skin over the damn thing! Yet its hit a record on most pre-ordered game! People are morons, just getting played by the man...Their only letting Activision get away with this crap the more they buy the same damn game every year! #RantOver

8th May 2012, 08:48 PM
For PC I think its well and truely dead, the graphics are so outdated and the fact they took out all the features PC had because console doesn't have enough buttons (i.e lean was such a unique feature). Console tards will buy it cause its the only "good" fps, CS GO will be out soon we hope :D

9th May 2012, 09:21 PM
Hmmm same as you guys. COD just seems to have lost its shine on PC. There are way more interesting games to look forward to like CS:GO, GW2, Diablo III and Bioshock Infinite.

Really can't believe the COD engine hasn't even improved graphically/gameplay wise. Just seems to get more and more bloated every time.