View Full Version : Articles

19th November 2012, 05:25 PM
Similar to last year, come September/October the dead period for atk came around just after the release of the article feature on the websites. With many many people interested in writing articles, including myself, it seemed that the feature would be a great success however due to the inactivity the amount of articles coming out is slow. Any members that are around again and alive, if you have the time, i would love to get some articles written, maybe 1 per week from each active member if possible? Cheers folks!

20th November 2012, 09:39 PM
Depending on university I might be able to contribute, wrote for Dignitas for a year or so, got a fair few contacts as well...I've seen a bit of what you do but if you wanna chat let me know!

Vicious Horizon
21st November 2012, 05:01 AM
I'll get around to it at some point no worries mon

23rd November 2012, 09:55 PM
Got essays to write for uni atm but prob get one done over xmas hols, maybe try and get a few done that can be released over a few days / weeks

25th November 2012, 07:27 AM
I haven't really got any recent games to review but I'll get a few in the steam sales, (and I do have a massive library of games) but I'll probably get round to doing them over xmas and the gap after january zams