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View Full Version : Worms World Party Community Event

5th August 2007, 06:58 PM
Worms World Party ATK Community event:


Does anyone want to play a large scale game? We could even set up a summer tournament.

Current people who have it:
Col Mitch*
Cillit Bang*

*Got it but not installed.


We would be playing on a fake LAN using Hamachi on the Worms ATK network.
This is much faster than Wormnet.

Anyone interested in playing who does not have a copy don't fret. Just ask me, Oric or Chazlene to help you find a way of playing (Lots of second hand copies exist).
Please post here if you are interested in a community game or tournament.
Suggestions of game settings and weapon settings appreciated.
We could set up a Worms of Warcraft Light Vs Dark Crusade if you like (Lots of jokes and puns there).

For anyone who doesn't know about worms: its a turn based strategy game where you lead a team of worms against another team of worms randomly placed on a 2D map (there is a 3d version called Worms 3D). Weapons are very crazy and explosive! We will be using Worms World Party as it is the best for network play and the 2D worms games are much better than the 3D ones.

5th August 2007, 07:02 PM
Oh Gods, what have I started. Good idea, we should play in Points for weapons mode, so winners' teams actually make physical progress.

5th August 2007, 07:08 PM
WAGS vs all!

I like the idea and it's 69.1% downloaded!

5th August 2007, 07:13 PM
im interested!
count me in :D

5th August 2007, 07:19 PM

5th August 2007, 07:27 PM
I'll probably start up a knock out tournament and if it is popular we can start up a longstanding ladder.

5th August 2007, 07:43 PM
Let's gogo pew pew leetsauce.

I'm innnnnnnnnnnn

5th August 2007, 08:11 PM
Im just adding that due to a significant part of my life being absorbed into WoW, I am currently incapable of helping people get Worms. Basically, I dont know :D

5th August 2007, 08:27 PM
But of course you will play in the tournament. Perhaps I can come up with some kind of prize... to be given away at I31/Post..

6th August 2007, 09:03 AM
hell yea, im up for that tournament, cant wait, even though i suck badly still worth a try hehe

7th August 2007, 08:56 AM
Actually, count me out for this one, I can't be bothered to install it as it keeps on failing.