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12th March 2008, 09:45 PM
An accountant wants more than £300,000 damages from Marks & Spencer after claiming he slipped on a grape during a shopping trip.

Alexander Martin-Sklan, 55, of Golders Green Road, Barnet, says he tore the tendon in his right leg in June 2004.

His High Court action is being contested by the retail giant.

Mr Martin-Sklan, who is representing himself at the London hearing, says a piece of squashed fruit was found on his right shoe after the fall and could have been picked up inside the shop, or in the store's car park.

The accident happened at his local Finchley Road branch as he left the store with his trolley to return to his car.

Mr Martin-Sklan says he suffered a ruptured quadricep tendon and "adverse psychological effects and depression" arising from the injury.

Opening his case in written submissions to the court, Mr Martin-Sklan said: "My claim is that I picked up the fruit somewhere on the company's premises."

The accountant went on to criticise the cleaning systems he says were in place at the store at the time.

Marks and Spencer PLC, represented by barrister James Aldridge, deny that they were negligent.

"It is true that, before you put your sandals on that afternoon, you didn't make a special examination of the soles? You cannot say that the piece of goo was not already on your sandals," said the barrister.

The hearing, expected to last for another day, continues.
Link (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/skynews/20080311/tuk-grapes-of-wrath-man-sues-m-s-45dbed5.html).

Can't believe he is asking for 300K just because of being clumsy lol. Worst. Claim. Ever. (That I know of)

12th March 2008, 09:50 PM
Saw it in the paper yesterday. Its quite a bit to claim on a knee injury, and that single grape could have been dropped by a customer like 30 seconds before, so it would be unreasonble for M&S to respond to it that quickly, a child could have dropped it on the floor in front of him outside!


12th March 2008, 10:44 PM
ive got some of foolish charges from the USA, well here are some

Terrance Dickson from Bristol, Pensilvania was about to leave a house he just finished robbing, he was going out the garage door when he culden't open the garage door because the door opener was broken , and he culdent go back because the other doors had locked when he closed them.
The family was on vacation. Dickson was locked in there for 8days, he lived on a case of pepsi and dryfood for dogs, When the family came back he sued them for locking him in there for 8days, and he won the case for 500.000$

Jerry Williams from Little Rock, Arkansas, got 500.000$ and all medical expenses paid, after being bitten in the ass by the neighburs dog. The dog was tied in the backyard within the fence. He had to give some of the money back when the jury found out he had bin teasing the dog by repeatedly shooting the dog with a low powered taser gun

Amber Carson sued a restaurant after slipping in a puddle of soda. Wich she created after having a fight with her boyfriend

lol pretty crazy well anyway CRAZY.

13th March 2008, 07:57 AM
LOL The Law system is messed UP!

13th March 2008, 08:53 AM

As said in several threads before to you, just because you have seen it does not mean everyone else has, and being one day old does not make it old.