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View Full Version : Hutch = away this week

29th March 2008, 10:11 PM
Yep, going to be away this week, as will spawn but he doesnt matter...

Going to Germany, which is kind of better in every single way than this arrogant island called Britain which thinks it is so great (joking lol, 2 WORLD WARS).
Its to go shooting, but i'm just going to practice the language of the sausage people obsessively before my AS oral. Last time I went, I spent 30 euros in total, as I did all my shopping in Aldi.

29th March 2008, 10:28 PM
There were 100 German bombers in the sky,
There were 100 German bombers in the sky,
There were 100 German bombers,
There were 100 German bombers,
There were 100 German bombers in the sky,

And the RAF from England shot 'em down!
And the RAF from England shot 'em down!
And the RAF from England,
The RAF from England,
The RAF from England shot 'em down!

Well I would say have a good time, but it's Germany, so you'll get REALLY bored. Both Chalex and I got really depressed when we went there.

Don't put us to shame Hutch, aim on target and show those Jerries why they lost the war. Do your country's duty old chap!

30th March 2008, 12:46 AM
And if you don't, we'll go all Soviet Commisar on your butt.

30th March 2008, 12:49 AM
yeah, im not a great fan of the left wing.. I mean look at the fucking disasters left wingers have given us: Cold war, massacres, horror in tibet, the labour party, the war in iraq, high taxes in england, chernobyl, the weapons of terrorists, Kris Cao, Eugene Yung.