Say hello to the new ATK! What you're seeing is the result of rethink regarding our webite's focus, with a shift towards high quality content. This means that rather than generic gaming news, we're aiming to give an ATK-focused view on gaming that's more editorially driven and (hopefully!) interesting to read.
One of the first things you'll notice is the new homepage. We decided on an all-or-nothing approach with the articles, moving anything that wasn't do with them onto the sidebar. That's where you'll find everything you're used to, like the shoutbox and recent threads. Over the coming days you'll see the left hand side fill up with content. For that, you can thank the Theory and his team of writers. It's due to them that ATK can evolve in this way!
One of the primary aims with v5 was to also promote discovery. This means that as the site gets more content, the tags assigned to the articles will help you learn more about particular topics. You can then put a filter on yours interests, and even add them to your favourite RSS reader. Additionally, we've added many other areas to the site that you've been asking for. One such page is the Roster. Only our League of Legends team is there right now, but create a team and you'll find yourself there too!
We hope you'll like all of the new areas and explore them at your pleasure. Special thanks go to Calneon for managing to work pretty much solidly with me for two weeks, and doing such a stellar job in the process!
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