• Hardware Buyers Guide: Late September 2012

    Designed to sit by your TV or in your living room cabinet, this PC is compact and quiet - yet powerful enough for streaming HD video.
    Expect a small and portable system - nobody wants a big black box on their floor in the living room!

    Hardware Item Price
    Case CIT MTX002B Black £29.50
    CPU AMD A4 3300 £35.98
    Motherboard Gigabyte A75N-USB3 £72.90
    RAM 4GB Corsair Value £14.88
    GPU Onbaord CPU £0.00
    PSU Included with case £0.00
    Cooler Zalman CNPS8000B £21.86
    Hard Drive Samsing HN-M500MBB £45.00
    Optical Drive Sony Slim Blu-ray £29.98
    SSD None £0.00
    Total £250.10

    Again I am recommending the cheapest AMD processor. It's onboard graphics make it a great choice for HD video.

    The compact case is smaller than a Sky box and would happily sit anywhere near your TV.

    I opted for a 500GB hard drive, as its large enough to store a considerable amount of video, and a Sony laptop size blu-ray drive so you can play blu-ray media, should you not already have a blu-ray player - if you don't need that then you can save yourself another £30.

    The Zalman cooler is ultra compact and will snugly fit into this tiny case, and its practically silent fan shouldn't cause you any hastle when watching films at night.

    A great value option if you want the flexibility of a PC in your living room.
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. jakebd's Avatar
      jakebd -
      nice, but what would you recommend as a modular power supply 750 watt or is that one a modular.
    1. Colonel Mitch's Avatar
      Colonel Mitch -
      The Antec True Power 750W One I recommended is Semi-Modular.

      It has the motherboard cables directly attached, but the drives and the pci-e are modular
    1. jakebd's Avatar
      jakebd -
      hmm seems legit, thats kind of what iam thinking but i was thinking fully modular because i'm thinking of going for a full tower and i wanted the wires to look neat.
    1. Colonel Mitch's Avatar
      Colonel Mitch -
      I personally have a Thermaltake Toughpower which is a good PSU. Its the same as the antec one being semi modular.

      At the end of the day you have to have the motherboard / cpu power in your PC either way so it didn't concern me that all cables weren't modular. If you want one fully modular there are a fair bit more expensive, but they have the nice novelty of being able to position without any cables being in the way.
    1. jakebd's Avatar
      jakebd -
      ye thanks for this, but tbh with you i think iam gonna take your advice and go for one thats a mixture, but iam looking for a cheap one.
    1. Target's Avatar
      Target -
      Could there be a request section to these guides, for instance a specific price tag for pc or set of components?

      Otherwise, its a great thread
    1. Colonel Mitch's Avatar
      Colonel Mitch -
      Sure Target, thats a good idea.

      A day before I post the next one, I'll make a thread asking what people want advice on, and add that to the build guide.
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