Would be awesome to hear if anyone has any ideas for how the recent threads block should work/look! Definitely feel free to mock something up.
We need more articles badly. Someone needs to write...
Type: Posts; User: Chalex4
Would be awesome to hear if anyone has any ideas for how the recent threads block should work/look! Definitely feel free to mock something up.
We need more articles badly. Someone needs to write...
That sounds terrible! It's hosted with Gameservers.com, who are meant to be reputable. Mitch has access the account so perhaps you could ask him to get us moved to another server/get the problem...
I agree with making the forum more prominent :).
We should probably just show less articles on the homepage, and bring recent threads back to its original position (left column). It should also...
So yeah, we actually got hacked.
The issue involved a rogue plugin which allowed the hackers to grant themselves admin. Once they'd done this, they went ahead to break the majority of the site.