Yes ofc we do, it would be an honor! I'm gonna catch you by PM to talk details.
Type: Posts; User: eneRgie
Yes ofc we do, it would be an honor! I'm gonna catch you by PM to talk details.
WHo said cool? Oh yea, that's me :D Anyways well appreciated!
Me having some proper hangover, taken about one and a half year ago @ this local extreme festival i'm helping to organize every year.
Overall for now 1.6 is still more popular but on the other hand go is being hugely promoted by valve, main contriputors and sponsors. Also 1.6 pro scene and bigger events are fading away and i guess...
Thanks, i'm well pleased to be here :D
Hey fokez!
So it is a huge pleasure and honor to be in the ATK family. My name is Pärt Kalmus. I'm twenty years old and been playing the game for past 10 years which is like half of my life :D...