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Thread: Your top five favourite game endings.

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    ATK Member Bloo's Avatar
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    Your top five favourite game endings.

    I'm just curious about this, what are your top five favourite endings? Why do you like them? What does a good ending mean for you? I myself can't describe why I like certain endings, other than perhaps that they're "just amazing". I also find some amazing games can have crappy endings, take the ending of all the Half Life 2 games, for me (FOR ME! Please people, if you're going to post in this thread, remember everything is subjective..) they never do it right, it's all rushed and sudden at the end usually, it makes me feel that they just tacted it on and justify it by saying "Well it's to continue the plot!".

    But anyway, my top five endings, with the best till last of course.

    5) Jade Empire. (Good guy ending). No one here except Squizzel has played this buut, the ending for it is a masterpiece, you're the only guy who can save the world etc... and the ending lets you meet a goddess, and rather than them make you all-powerful or whatever, you and her, simply bow like in a martial arts film. Thats it. You meet a god, and you act humble. Perfect good guy ending for me.

    4) World in Conflict. So the entire last mission is the usual "We have no other choice" kind of deal, and after an intense and epic battle you win. Then you have the two enlisted soldiers who's story has been played in cutscenes throughout the game, in the ruins of Seattle, listening to a cd player. What are they listening to? Whitesnake. THE GAME FADES OUT WITH WHITESNAKE PEOPLE!

    3) Call of Duty 4. Any other FPS would do the fucking boring ending for this. Gaz or someone will be yelling "TAKE OUT THE HIND!" and you have to run for cover from it's bullets while finding RPG's to take the bitch down. You do it, it explodes everyone is happy. But nope.
    Someone yells "the tanker is about to blow, move!" It explodes and everyone is knocked down. You look about in distress as everyone around you is shot and killed by the badguys, and you're next, buut, you aren't, your captain with his last breath slides a pistol across and you take everyone down. Perfect. Then the choppers come and the music plays, the recurring Russian St. tells you that you're going to be alright and it fades out. It fits the game perfectly.

    2) Bioshock. (Goodguy ending). It fits the game as well, Bioshock throughout deals with many things, political philosophy and the cost of genetic engineering to name a few, but it deals with family, and your own family infact. Suffice to say, this being Bioshock you have none by the end of it. Except you do now. You in the ending do an unthinkably selfless thing with no reward in it what-so-ever as the narrator says, except it ends that you do have a reward. A real family. It made me cry. (As with anything in Bioshock, you'd actually have to play it to understand it).

    And the best ending ever (for me and for now)...

    Mass Effect. It is pure cheese, you're in the biggest space station in the galaxy, there is a space battle against an amazingly powerful enemy going on outside, and you're fighting it's last ditch pawn and plan. You win, the fleet outside blows up the enemy and everything is perfect and heroic. Except, a stray piece of spaceship hurtles towards where you and your team are, your character only has time to yell "Go!" before it hits, the music implying it's bad.
    Then in the wreckage of where you are, some really sad music plays, a search and rescue team though, finds your companions and the leader of it/your characters mentor asks "Are you alright? Where is the commander?" to which you're companion only shakes their head, it looks like you're dead. Everyone thinks you're dead... including you the player, it's a really sad moment, then the music begins to change, there is some movement from the rubble and BAM! Your character comes running out with only a broken arm epically posing for the camera. As they stride towards the group your character gives a big "I really am an arrogant tosspot" grin, in a good way. What a way to play with the players emotions.

    So thats my top five game endings, so say your ones!
    Last edited by Bloo; 13th May 2008 at 05:51 PM.

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