okay so its not a full upgrade but lookin for some advice on new processor.

i dont wanna spend a fortune this time so im lookin around the 200 mark.

Im strewn between:

Q9450 - 1333fsb 12mb cache 2.66Ghz (Quad Core)

E8500 - 1333fsb 6mb cache 3.16Ghz (Dual Core)

Im seriously tempted as with my phase change cooling i can overclock the hell out of both of these, but as the multiplier on the quad is only 8, it is 9.5 on the dual which is already significantly faster. baring in mind i can increase the voltage to pretty much whatever and keep it cool im thinkin i could get better performance (in 3d mark at least) with the dual core.

the board im getting is the Asus maximus extreme, and yes that does mean ddr3 memory and crossfire.

i dont intend right now to get new gfx cards bt teh new 4870 1gb gddr5's are very tempting to crossfire.

anway post your thoughts - quickly:P