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Thread: Using correct spelling and grammar on the Forums.

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    Community Manager Chazlene's Avatar
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    Using correct spelling and grammar on the Forums.

    Using correct spelling and grammar

    As the community pulls in more and more 10 year-old Counter-Strike playing zombies and Scandinavians the spelling and grammar in each topic on the Forums is becoming extremely bad. This tutorial will show all you illiterates here how to make the ATK Community Forums look like a respectable place.

    The first thing that I have to say here is all of you should download Mozilla Firefox. This is for two reasons, firstly Internet Explorer is rubbish and Firefox underlines in red anything you have spelt incorrectly, so now you have no excuse.

    Do not use abbreviation's which are not in the English Language such as 'u' instead of 'you'. Doing this is only just acceptable with messengers such as MSN and Skype, since your messages are not permanent, but on a forum where whatever you post stays there, you should make the effort to use the full words.
    Other examples of this includes 'pls', 'y' and 'sry'.
    However, if you really must have to use them, acronyms are acceptable. This include well-known Internet Jargon such as 'BTW', 'FFS' and 'TBH'.

    Capitals - Capital letters should always be used at the beginning of sentences, with a name of someone or something, or when you say words such as 'I' or 'I've'.

    Full stops and commas - A full stop ends a sentence, and should be followed by a space then the start of a new sentence. Commas are necessary if you want people to understand what you are saying, since a continuous stream of words will get confusing. Use them to break up parts of a sentence.

    Apostrophes - The apostrophe should always be used when quoting, unless you are using the Forum's quoting tags. This is so people will understand easily where the quote you are making begins and ends.
    For example: You said 'you don't know how to spell' to me.
    Not: You said you don't know how to spell to me.
    Apostrophes are also used in the Genitive, meaning a possessive noun, i.e. 'Chazlene's Avatar' instead of 'Chazlenes Avatar', without an apostrophe.
    However, if someone's name ends with an 's' then you only put an apostrophe, for example: 'Jesus' spliff', not 'Jesus's spliff'.
    Using the apostrophe then 's' can also be used as an abbreviation for 'Chazlene is'.
    The apostrophe can also be used to combine two words into an abbreviation, such as turning 'do not' into 'don't'.

    Your - This is a big Grammar error lots of people make. 'Your' is followed by noun which belongs to you, for example, 'Your signature'.
    many people use this when they actually mean 'You're', short for 'You are'.
    So 'Your gay' does not make sense, instead it should be 'You're gay'.

    Same word, different spelling - many words in the language are pronounced the same, but are spelt differently, for example, there is 'two' (the number), 'too' (as in TOO much) and 'to' (such as I went TO the brothel). So don't make the mistake of quickly typing 'to' when you mean 'two'.

    Now go and post in the rest of the Forums and do not put the English Language to shame.
    Last edited by Chazlene; 10th November 2007 at 11:08 AM.
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