
The name is Killem. I am inquiring to see if it would be possible
to receive a sponsorship/ entree to your ATK Gaming Commmunity.
DTA* is a Unreal Tournament 2004 and Unreal Tournament 2007 based
clan. I truly admire the structure and firm basis the ATK community illustrates
in the Gaming industry. This is why I am seeking sponsorship from you.
If possible I would like to know if ATK would sponsor the DTA* Clan in its
UT endeavors, by providing the clan with a website/forum, in-game servers
one for normal game play and one for clan matches and meetings, and if possible
access to ventrillo or teamsspeak channel.

DTA* is a well respected Clan in the UT venues. We have been in existence since Nov. 1999. We started out in Unreal Tournament '99 and battled our way into UT 2004 and UT3 (UT2007). I as the leader of DTA* am a well respected individual in the UT world. I was also hand pick by Epic (Unreal Tournament Creators) to be an in-game official, in which it is my duties to spec out top ranked clans and establish tournaments and things of the sort. I have lead many clans in the past all being successful and many still alive and growing.
DTA has also been recognized as No. 3 in Top Clans for UT 2004 from the date of Apr. 2005 to Jun. 2008. DTA is currently active in UT 2004 and UT3 (UT2007).

please consider my proposal, I believe that the DTA clan has a lot to offer the ATK Community and can bring even more respect and admiration to the community if the opportunity is permitted.

Please contact me at:

as soon as possible.

Thank you

DTA* Killem (Epic Official & Clan Leader)