I didn't get the collectors edition, but I managed to get my grubby mitts on a copy. Now I don't normally listen to game soundtracks, but the music which is composed by Blizzard is so awesome, it is one of the only two games which has it's soundtrack on my iPod (the other being EVE, which had a song used in Campbell and my GCSE Drama performance)

I put the CD on shuffle and came straight to a track called 'Arthas, My Son', which I think is the song from the cinematic intro for the game. It start off as an aggressive tune, but soon becomes melodic with a single choir singer, soon going to aggressive again. Most of you know that I think all classical music is crap, but Blizzard have made it interesting. Some of the zone tracks are just exquisite in their composure, and without setting foot in the zones, you get a feel for what they are trying to portray. Other than Arthas, My Son, the best tracks for me are Crystalsong and Howling Fjord, which was in the original release trailer for WotLK.

If you didn't get the collector's edition, try finding a way of getting the soundtrack (e.g a friend who did) and just listen to it. Blizzard are so talented, they could have not gone into game design and still made money through selling music albums, art to museums etc.

And don't think I have gone mad, I put some Breaking Benjamin to put me back into my usual mood