You'd never guess I was trying to create activity would you

Nonetheless, what does everyone have planned for christmas? Are you going away? What is the top of your 'to get' list? Are you planning to spend it with family, or with friends? Etc. etc.

I will be away from the cold of Britain to the extreme cold of Minneapolis, MN in the States. The average temperature in Abingdon for December is between two and seven degrees celsius. Minneapolis has an average temperature in December
of between minus three and minus twelve celsius, with the record low (set in 1888) of -44C. Obviously, it wont get that cold, but I wouldn't put it past the way Minneapolis weather works to get to the elusive zero degrees fahrenheit, or minus 17 degrees celsius.

Top of my list is the two events happening on the two sundays I am there -

Other than that, it's American Football gear for the Oxford Saints, sports jerseys, and some other clothes (I desperately need shoes). Minnesota is home to the world largest shopping centre/mall - The Mall of America. Spending 10 minutes in each store would keep you there for two days :S

You don't have to go into that extensive amount of detail if you don't want. I'm just bored and have a lot to say.