Here we go....

First and Foremost:
Though not strictly a signature, this exhibit is my avatar (is it at the moment? I can't remember XD) Made in MS Paint, and I'm proud, so screw you!

Second siggy is...

First Signature image I used here, I quite liked it and I made it without any tuts or anything. I also won a SotW with it at JOclan..

Woo, number 3!

Known by VoX as crashing his firefox if he has an animated background, I screwed this one up but still used it Just 'cos I'm a dick like that.

Numbar 4:

Didn't use it here, but I like it, no tuts used again, and I think it came out quite well

Five bludd:

Made as a badge I was going to have, which lasted for ages, I never finished the project and I got bored with it and it's gone now.


Contains a message of me being banned from habbo, and me taking the piss out of Gary Glitter.


This one using experimental stuff, I decided to edit it with words and make an ATK/LB signature with it ^^