To avoid the discussions in the shoutbox, post your Windows 7 banter in here!

If you want to download the beta, simply go here and make sure you read it all carefully. Note that minimum recommended specs call for:

  • 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor
  • 1 GB of system memory
  • 16 GB of available disk space
  • Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (to enable the Aero theme)
  • DVD-R/W Drive
  • Internet access (to download the Beta and get updates)

I have 2x 500GB HDDS, with XP on one, and W7 on the other. This required making a partition to seperate W7 from all my data that was also on the drive, but you could always try some virtualisations software like VirtualBox if you want to try it within your current OS.

Personally, I am really liking Windows 7, and am finding it a nice step up from XP Pro.

I am going to withhold my final judgement though until I have played all of my favoirite games, to see if they play decently.

How are you finding it?