Ok, Well me and trig have had a big chat, but there is not much we can praise. This game today was THE WORST we have ever played, we didn't talk, they had a BASIC team, they had 1 new player and we still lost.
Our TOP player had the same points as there lowest player. This is stupidly bad, and it cant go on anymore. So we are giving you homework. You are to play these classes Solidly when you play tf2.
Zelous – Medic
Phantom – Demoman
DP - Soldier
Trig – Soldier
DE – Scout
Vox – Pyro
Marshy - Heavy/ Scout
Dk – Sniper
Mitch – Engineer/Medic
Please just play these classes.
And to be honest we are not putting the hours in. I don't want to bitch about how you should all play, but we really need to play more. I looked at the steam group and laughed. We have played more Gmod than TF2, In our TF2 Group.
Im going to go straight to the bottom line. If we dont pick up our game, me and trig are going to fold this team, its not working out, and we need to get encouraged and start winning matches.
For those that wont be commited and attempt to play more tf2 with those classes be honest and tell us now so we know who we rely on, were not asking for you to give up more spare time just that instead of playing one game, play tf2 instead and it will start paying off.
We ourselves arent entirely blameless and have been lacking in map tactics etc and shall be doing somthing about it. we shall also be addressing the problems we have when using ubers and other issues, on a more posituve note we have noticed that certain people are making effort allready and it is appreciated.
Sorry For the Bitch (Triggers not)
Darkeagle, Trig