As you all know, the state of our public servers right now is rather dire, and it has been for quite a while.
Thankfully, someone has taken the initiative to set up a new public server - Darkeagle. He has bought a 24 slot public TF2 server with Darkpidgeon and Vox, and it will become part of ATK's lineup shortly.
Phantom and I have tried and tried to make our other servers popular, but as we all know, it never really worked out. The problem always was that I always vanish and don't have time, and Phantom had too many servers to deal with. We had many great suggestions from others, but no-one was FOCUSED on making TF2 popular again in ATK.
This is why I am so pleased Darkeagle has sorted out a new public server, because he has taken the responsibility upon his shoulders and really wants to make it work. It also helps that he can now sort everything out himself, because the server software isn't complicated at all and I'm not blocking him .
So, with the waffling aside, I would like to award DARKEAGLE with a new responsibly: TF2 Manager. This position allows him moderator access to all TF2 related forums, as well as the deciding vote over (with me - but I'll agree most of the time ) all TF2 decisions, whether they are to do with new features on the site, or the servers.
I hope I've explained everything clearly enough, and I'm sure this has been long-awaited news by many. Here's to ATK's servers being popular once again!