Clan's Full Name: The Soviet Boxing Club
Clan Tag: SBC
Clan Leader's Real Name: George
Clan Leader's In-Game Name: Deri
Clan Location: International
Clan Leader's MSN/Xfire:
Clan Leader's Email:^
Age Range: 18-60 (our oldest member is 60 or so)
Admin's Steam I The majority of admins have me added
Does your clan have/use Teamspeak?: We do
Games Your Clan Plays: TF2 Mainly, we also play a variety of other games
Are you in any leagues? Yes ETF2L
--> If so what is your position? 5th Division 6A
Small Description/Extra Information: SBC are, what I think, friends with you guys, so a mini-forums to keep you guys updated would be nice.
Preferable Teamspeak Channel Name: N/A
Username of admin (so we can grant CA): Myself