Would you like your clan to join the ATK Community? If you would just fill out the form below and you will be considered. It is preferable that if you want to join the community you use the ATK Community teamspeak server. Every clan that joins will be given their own channel with an unlimited number of slots. You also have the right to create your own sub-channels (max 3) .The admin/clan leader of the community will be given CA in the channel.
Clan's Full Name:
Clan Tag:
Clan Leader's Real Name:
Clan Leader's In-Game Name:
Clan Location:
Clan Leader's MSN/Xfire:
Clan Leader's Email:
Age Range:
Admin's Steam I ("status" in console)
Does your clan have/use Teamspeak?:
Games Your Clan Plays:
Are you in any leagues?
--> If so what is your position?
Small Description/Extra Information:
Preferable Teamspeak Channel Name:
Username of admin (so we can grant CA):
Joining would give your clan these advantages:
--> Added fun and wider variety of games played with other community members
--> Your own teamspeak channel for clan only conversations/matches
--> Gamers' advice from within the community
--> Exclusive access to official ATK events
--> Your clan would become more popular and advertised
--> New members on your doorstep
--> Your tag would be as follows: [TAG] Name |ATK|
// Chalex4