i know it's a necro, but i didn't want to post a new thread. I just retired my long serving chicago game save after 22 seasons. I mention it now because i made it to 19th on the all-time managers list. Highlights for me were eight-peating the mls cup, a final appearance in the cwc (where i got schooled 5-1 to man u), consistantly being in the playoffs, along with having some of the best players in the world during the game, such as starting with a trade for landon donovan, signing an aging wilson palacios later on, and one of my draft picks near the end of my reign turning into the 3rd best player at the world cup the year when the us won it
. Not to mention half my team being first team internationals for the us, mexico and brazil - all hail youth and long term contracts
Enlarge below for the hall of fame screenie. Next challenge is to get all the europe competition achievements, and i have selected my old team (when i used to support football) chelsea to help me do this - no doubt joe will be pleased with my decision. Btw, i won the world cup in between these two with brazil in a seperate gamesave. Quick way to do it, start up, sim to the 13th july 2010 (i.e day after final) and see if you won. If yes, then congrats. If no, then restart and sim again. Took me four attempts :s. Other three times? Spain won twice and italy won once. Just for reference, england were knocked out in the qf's each time.